Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Trials Strengthen You

Hi, this is Margaret Daley. I had rotator cuff surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago. I am now going through the long process of regaining use of my right arm, which is my dominant arm. It has been interesting trying to figure out how to do things with my left hand. I have decided I will not master writing with my left hand. I've been using a highlighter on books that I'm reading for research and my straight lines are definitely not straight. With eating I am doing better. I am actually not spilling very much food anymore. Getting dressed is another challenge that I have had to work on. I am using a voice to text program to write this blog. Learning to use the program wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but there are some bugs that I haven't been able to work out. Needless to say I will be using this experience in a story. Have you had a challenge lately that has made you stronger?


  1. Yes, trials do strengthen us. But I so far I haven't been able to welcome them with joy as (I think) James encourages us as in "count it all joy" when bad stuff happens. (Lyn's paraphrase.)
    Hope you heal fast!

  2. I've been wearing a brace on my hand for thumb pain that I think could be carpel tunnel syndrome. Or maybe trigger thumb. I'm babying it right how, hoping I don't need surgery! It's much better this week.

    Margaret, I remember a friend having to have all button up blouses because she couldn't put tops over her head after that surgery (couldn't raise her arm far enough!). So I'm sure it's difficult. And I'm sooo right handed I can't imagine writing like you've been doing. I hope the shoulder is healing well!

  3. Margaret, I hope you have a quick recovery.

    I didn't have to have surgery, but I did have a cortisone shot for my rotator cuff problem. Oddly enough, my problem was in my left shoulder, and I'm right handed. I did physical therapy. The shoulder is better, but still not 100%. I'm still doing the exercises a couple of times a week.

  4. I'll be starting physical therapy in a couple of weeks. I hope it works.

  5. Ouch, Margaret, so sorry about your shoulder. I've heard that's a very painful injury. How long do they predict until you're back up and going full speed?

    I agree that trials can strengthen us but they sure aren't fun at the time.

  6. Margaret, you're in my prayers. Missy, when I was interpreting, I started to get carpal tunnel syndrome and when to a massage therapist for it. It took the summer, but my wrist in fine.

  7. Thanks for the idea, Leann. My daughter has rubbed it for me, and it does seem to help.

  8. Margaret, thanks for the timely thoughts. I hope you continue to heal at a steady pace. I love my PT. They are miracle workers.

    I am in the middle of health challenges myself. Sometimes, trials have to break us down before we are built back up. If we can learn to live with weaknesses, we actually can be stronger.

    Peace and healing thoughts your way, Julie

  9. Such good advice, Julie. Linda, each day I'm better and when I finish my six hours of exercise a day, I imagine I will be a lot better.

  10. Hello Margaret! I'm a day late replying on your post (my daughter's getting married in 2 days!) but couldn't resist leaving a comment. ~ I'm so sorry about your shoulder and all you're going through(I'm a lefty and cannot imagine trying to do everything right-handed,LOL). Prayers that you'll be all healed very soon!~ This past June I had to undergo 4 spinal surgeries in an 8-day period. Needless to say, that ordeal was the most difficult thing I've ever experienced. BUT the Lord was with me throughout everything, and so many wonderful experiences and blessings have come out of my difficulties! I've realized how truly BLESSED I am! (and....when my son escorts me to my seat this Saturday, I'll be "walking straight and tall" rather than stooped as I've been for many years, thank the Lord). Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  11. Patti Jo, I'm so thrilled to hear about the wedding and your excitement! I'll be thinking of you Saturday. :)


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