Friday, July 6, 2012

Ask Elnora--About Celebrating the USA--Lenora Worth

Hello, my darling patriots. Elnora is a little late today--but I'm here now! It's hot as a firecracker out there, so this will be short and sweet. Happy Fourth of July. While the sparklers and the fireworks have died down, we can still celebrate the GOOD things about living in America. So that's the question of the day--What do you love about YOUR home? I'll start. I love being free and I am blessed to be able to vote at elections. I do love apple pie, Chevrolet and the Fourth of July. I know that even on bad days, I'm still blessed to be living in the United States. I love our soldiers. They are a symbol of what freedom is all about. I love being able to travel and meet people who are interesting and a bit different from me. I love that this country, good or bad, is beautiful and full of a strength that comes together when we need each other. So let's discuss: What do you love about YOUR home?


  1. I, too, love the freedom. To worship as I want, to speak what I want, to believe what I want.

    I so appreciate all who've sacrificed to give us this freedom!

  2. I love the opportunities. I, too, appreciate those who've sacrificed to give us freedom.

  3. I've just spent two weeks overseas, and I am so glad to be back in the USA. Going to other countries makes me thankful to live in this country. I'm sure other folks feel the same way about their own countries, but I do love the USA and am proud to be an American. We definitely should never take our freedoms for granted. We visited Russia, Estonia and Germany, and I listened to folks who know about realizing freedom after years of authoritarian governments that didn't allow freedom.

  4. You are all so wise. I agree. The freedom to worship is a precious thing. AusJenny, sending you hugs and prayers!! Get well soon.

  5. Right now I would say I love my bed. but you mean country as in home.
    While I am not an american I love my own country Australia for similar reasons, I love that I get to vote in elections that it is a right (not to mention its law). I love the freedom we have here, the open space, the climate even if it is winter its still not as bad as some places.
    Merrillee that is just want many Aussies say when they get home we are thankful for where we live.
    I love that here when you are sick you get medical care no matter who you are, if you have money or not. I know I wont have to pay a cent except for the ambulance ride (which I will now get cover for).

    Thanks for the good wishes today I feel half human (not sure what the other half is). The headache is finally easing, still dizzy but not as much. not as cold and I hung the washing, true it tired me but its a start. I also know what they found is free of cancer and shouldn't happen again and that alot of my issues recently seem to be all connected. I know its one day at a time (my new theme song) and I know I am improving. i am dressed today. missed you all but just haven't been up to doing to much. I downloaded a devotional today and read todays message and that is about all the reading I am up to right now. (its so sad).

    1. Please take care of yourself. Keep us posted!!

  6. Jenny, continuing to send prayers!

  7. I was gone all day Friday so didn't get a chance to comment.

    I love our country, our freedom and our wonderful military! But I am worried about the direction we're going with this terrible economy. My heart breaks for all those who are struggling to make ends meet. I'm praying for small businesses to start hiring again and for some of the restrictions that hinder companies to be lifted so prosperity will return to our nation.

  8. Beautifully said, Lenora. I, too, am so grateful to live in a free land of so much opportunity.

    AusJenny, I'm so glad to hear from you. Take care and take it easy.

  9. thanks all I am today I am so tired and cold (very cold Sunday here where I am) but I take it one day at a time.


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