Friday, July 13, 2012

Ask Elnora--about regrets (I have a few)--Lenora Worth

Hello, my beautiful bloggers. Elnora has been inside most of this week. We had rain all week. Lovely, beautiful, wonderful rain. Some stormy moments and some flooding, but for the most part just a lot of nice rain. My garden is smiling again. It seemed so sad. My mood was kinda of sad, too. Which brings me to the question I've pondered over and over this week. Have you ever done something you regret? Said something you wish you could take back? Acted in a way where you later thought about it and realized you shouldn't have acted like that? Or am I the only person in the world who's ever put her foot in her mouth or acted before thinking something through? Whew, did I see a few hands being raised out there? When we write, we write about reality and our characters often make big mistakes. They have flaws, they have regrets, they have a past that seems to hinder their futures. Alas, this is so true in life, too. Where else would we get our stories? Human nature has always been the same through history and we use that universal truth in our writing. Now if only Elnora could remember that in real life. So the question of the day is this--How do we get over a deep regret and get on with life? Are we like the flowers after the rain? Can we smile again after we've gone through a drought of doubt and despair and sadness and regret? I took the above picture after it had rained all day and promptly posted it on Facebook! We were driving home from dinner and the sunset was in front of us. The clouds were so beautiful with the sun's rays parting them in the middle and the fringes of a rainbow somewhere behind those clouds. I think this picture answers my question. After the rain, comes the sun. Life goes on and God sends us messages in moments of regret that shine through the darkness and doubt. We have a chance to redeem ourselves with each new day and after each fresh rain. What do you think?


  1. Your photograph reminds me of an impossible assignment given me when I was in school. The course was Photo journalism, the lecturer gave us individual assignments. One look at me and he frowned (maybe he did not like my plain face) he said, "go and take a picture of THE SKY AT NIGHT."
    Needless to say how many times I tried, all to no avail.

    And that is where my REGRET comes in. God had told me earlier to go and preach the gospel to that same lecturer and his friend, I hated and was also afraid of them, so I didn't. He gave me much stress in school. I nearly had a re-run of the course if not for divine intervention.

    If I could have a 'do-over', I will surely preach to him. Regrets. Not so?

  2. Too many regrets to name. Thankfully, I don't dwell on them. We can ask God for forgiveness and move on. We can apologize if the regret means we've hurt someone else. But the main thing is to look forward, not back. We don't want to get mired down in regret. That helps no one.

  3. Good advice, ladies. Olufisayo, I think we all need a "do-over" at times. It's hard to forgive those who have hurt us, and yet we are called to do just that. Merrillee, you are right about holding on to regret. It only makes things worse.

    Good to see you both here!

  4. Love your pic, Lenora. I call that a God sky!

    Always enjoy seeing rays of light shining through the clouds or the darkness, which reminds me of God's mercy and forgiveness.

    Yes, forgiving ourselves if often the toughest job. Something I frequently write about in my stories. You mentioned universal truth and holding onto guilt about the mistakes in our past is part of our human nature. Not a part I like, mind you, but something that happens too often.

    Thank goodness for our faith and our belief in a loving and forgiving God.


    Sunshine in GA today! :)

  5. I will say that when my first was born, I didn't know how to be a mom. I was impatient and short with her. After baby two, I learned how to deal with babies. I grieved for my actions with my first. As I was praying one day, God said He would restore what the locusts had eaten..and I knew that my daughter wouldn't suffer because of her mom's shortcomings. It was a blessing.

  6. Act always in good faith and the sting will be removed from later regrets. On the long road of life we can never be certain that the roads not taken would have delivered a nobler journey. Find happiness in your daily life for if you put it off to some future time, you may never experience it.

  7. I think we all say or do things we regret. I now I have made careless comments that I instantly regretted.

    I have to say I have something I regret not doing at present. After the health scare where my fear almost killed me. I realize I started having issues a few years back. Cos of the fear of Dr I never had a relationship where I could ask questions to find out what is normal or not. I now know some of these issues were early signs and not normal.

  8. Debby, I'm glad you have sunshine. We have enjoyed the rain and it did give me some quiet time to reflect.

  9. Leann, we never get a manual for motherhood, do we? It's the only job I know of where we have to wing it, no matter the advice from others. I'm glad you figured things out!

  10. Good advice, Vince. We have to keep on toward glory!

    AusJenny, fear can certainly trap us into to NOT doing what we need to do. We are all thankful that you found a way to get yourself to the hospital. I hope you are doing better now. You are a true friend to this blog!

  11. I'm always putting my foot in my mouth, and I seem to do it more in front of a crowd than alone

  12. AusJenny,
    We're so glad you're here and posting. We were worried. How are you feeling?

  13. I know I am way better than I was. the lady doing blood tests yesterday remembered me and commented how pasty I looked and could see I was looking much better. I did a few things yesterday that exhausted me. I hate being so weak but I know I am improving.
    I know its one day at a time.


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