Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Victoria Bylin -- A Dream Comes True

Dear Readers,
Do you ever pause to look back over your life and to think, “Wow, I can’t believe everything’s that’s happened.”  Marriage. Kids. Homes. Jobs. Pets. Trips. My list is long and it gets longer every year.

This year I hit a milestone I never even imagined. I was that little girl, then a teenager, with the colored pens and the notebook, writing stories late into the night. As long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of writing a book. It seemed like a big, lofty goal--something almost impossible, something miraculous. Definitely the stuff of dreams . . . and yet . . . dreams come true.

My 14th book came out in April 2012.  The story is called “Josie’s Wedding Dress” and it’s in the Love Inspired Historical anthology called Brides of the West.  Here’s the blurb:

Josie’s Wedding Dress by Victoria Bylin
Desperate for someone to help her save her ranch, Josie Bright makes a deal with Ty Donner. Now the man who left her waiting at the altar is making her hope for things she had long stopped wishing for.

And here’s the link to the Amazon page for the 13 books prior to this one . . .  Four of the LIHs make up the “Women of Swan’s Nest” series.  They stand alone, but here’s the official order:   The Maverick Preacher, Wyoming Lawman, The Outlaw’s Return and Marrying the Major.  

Long live westerns!  LIH offers a variety of settings, but cowboys, lawmen, outlaws and preachers are my favorites.  Have a great day!

Best wishes,


  1. Vicki, I'm glad your dream came true and that we get to benefit! Really enjoy your books...I think The Maverick Preacher is my favorite.

  2. Hi Karen,
    It's been a wonderful ride, that's for sure! Thank you for the kind words about MP. Josh is one of my favorite heroes :)

  3. Congratulations, Karen! I love Westerns and Romances and together, they're the best! How wonderful that your brain is able to put them on paper for us! Great news about this latest publication, too!

  4. Vicki, I have your latest release. My dear friend Janet Dean, whose story is in the anthology, sent me a copy. It's on my TBR pile. Can't wait to start reading!

    Congrats on your success!

  5. Hi Harriet, Hi Debbie, Thank you for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the anthology. Janet and Pam are both talented authors :)

  6. im glad you dream came true also.I love westerns also. as a kid i loved watching them on tv.
    Vicki i have your latest release also, i have to read janet deans bookd first then can read it. excuse the errors. the computer is playing up.

  7. Victoria is is a blessed person that gets to realize their dream in life, I like to read your books so am glad your dream was to be a writer. This next book sounds like a wonderful story with a past love coming back into the girls life, I can see all the conflicts already...
    Paula O(


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