Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Celebratory Summer

It's Barbara Phinney here, and before I go any further, I want to wish all of you who are from the States a very good Fourth of July. We up here in Canada celebrated our Canada Day yesterday and my family went to a local Christian Camp for their family camp weekend.
I loved it. Many from our church go, and this year it was the camp's 100th anniversary. We had a wonderful speaker, Dr. David Currie, who spoke on healthy relationships. Doing Family Right is his website, and he spoke to us as couples. I encourage you all to check out his ministry.
We also played games. Old fashioned picnic games, of which I have discovered I can no longer do. Who'd think I couldn't run a sack race after not doing it for 40 years? Or chase teens in the woods in hide and seek?
I certainly didn't.
Life always changes, Dr Currie tells us, and you need to keep up, and you need to cultivate the good in your relationships on an ongoing basis. He and his wife have been married nearly 40 years and still work at their relationship.
Unlike me working on my sack racing skills.
What are your plans for celebrating this year? Will you do a fourth of July picnic? Or if you're not American, take in some other seasonal delight?
Whatever it is, remember this. Work at keeping the love going in your family. Or, like my old legs here, you'll find them aching all weekend long.
Have a wonderful week.


  1. What we're going to do is the family gather at our house, my grown kids, spouses, nieces, nephew, sister-in-laws will be here and we'll have lunch together. And I want to see the musical 1776.

  2. Leann, there's nothing like family coming over for a meal and a movie. Enjoy! My only regret this weekend is that I didn't take pictures.

  3. I think it's cool that you celebrated Canada Day in such a 'family' manner. Those are the kinds of things we usually do on Independence Day. This year will be a bit different since we normally gather at my son's home and this year he is not well enough. So we'll be attending our small town's bash--free watermelon, a car show, games and fun, and of course, the blast of fire works. I just hope the heat backs off a little.

  4. Good advice, Barbara. And happy Canada Day. What does Canada celebrate--I mean other than your nation. What historic event or???

  5. FREE WATERMELON, Linda? I'll be there!

  6. Canada Day is a day we celebrate our nation and all the wonderful things democracy allows us. We can worship freely, speak our minds and all the wonderful freedoms you down south enjoy.
    July 1st is the day our nation came into being, in Charlottetown PEI. It's our birthplace, so to speak. (great place to visit)
    We usually go to our town parks, picnic, listen to music, slap on Canada flag tattoos. (Still have mine on my arm. I feel so tough! )
    Then fireworks in the evening.

  7. Barbara, so glad Canada is our northern neighbor! Sounds like you had a lovely holiday.

    Our miliary son, dil and their little one will be with us, which will make our celebration even more special.

    We'll go to church at 9AM to thank God for our liberty and to pray for our nation. In these tough times, we need God to light the way.

    The fire and police departments will have displays and games for the children in the afternoon.

    Fireworks when the sun goes down.

    Happy 4th to all!


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