Friday, July 27, 2012

Lyn Cote Asks--How Many Books Have You Read This Year?

(Note: Elnora is racing to beat a deadline and packing all HER SHOES to go to RWA in Anaheim. This post is by homebody Lyn Cote!)

Authors spend months writing a book, their baby, and sending it out into the world to be read by strangers.

 A cook gets to see people eat their food. An auto worker gets to see people driving cars he helped make.

Authors do not get to watch people reading their books.

It's an odd business. Weird even.

So since you're visiting this blog, I figure you must like books.

1-So how many did you read so far in 2012?

2-Did you recommend one to another reader? If so, which one(s)? Why?

3-Did you write a brief review on GoodReads or Amazon or Barnes & Noble? If so, can you give us the link?

Authors really like hearing from readers which is one reason I LOVE BLOGS like this one and GoodReads where readers and authors connect. So let us know what you're reading and liking and then think about sharing that with others. If you're a member of GoodReads, you should look up the Love Inspired Historical group and join it. We have great discussions and are forming fast friendships. All fun readers are welcome!

BTW,  Love Inspired Suspense Author Sharon Dunn dropped by my blog this week and shared about her current title, ZERO VISIBILITY. Drop by and leave a comment to enter the Sunday book drawing. Here's the link…oman-moneywise‎

BTW, here's the cover of my upcoming baby, I mean book. :-) Their Frontier Family comes out this November!--Lyn


  1. I have read 72 books this year (which is good considering in July I have only read 2 books.
    I recently recommended Zero Visibility by Sharon Dunn which you mentioned to several people in even the hospital I was talking about it. I posted at goodreads and amazon I think and my blog

  2. Thanks, Jenny! You have me beat. I've read 12 new books and have met my reading challenge. I still have many books I want to read this year.

    Glad you're feeling better!

  3. Wow! Jenny, that's wonderful. I used to read like that. I don't keep count. Right now I'm reading a book by Susan Wiggs--can't remember the name. I'm also reading Valiant Soldier, Beautiful Enemy by Diane Gaston. She won the Golden Heart the same year I did and the following year won a RITA.

  4. Yes, Merrillee, It's awful how writing books interferes with OUR READING!

  5. I've been writing, so I read only one or two a month when I'm writing - I also work full time so it's tough to get more reading in.

    Love the cover!

  6. No no Lyn that is not alful that you dont read more, write write write, your readers are waiting, love the cover on this frontier family and know it will be a good read as they all are, good to see ya here today.
    I am going to ck out that blog, cant have too many books.
    I have read about 65 and I send to my sisters after reading. I review on a blog and also goodreads.
    Paula O(

  7. No no Lyn that is not alful that you dont read more, write write write, your readers are waiting, love the cover on this frontier family and know it will be a good read as they all are, good to see ya here today.
    I am going to ck out that blog, cant have too many books.
    I have read about 65 and I send to my sisters after reading. I review on a blog and also goodreads.
    Paula O(

  8. Love the cover, Lyn! Jenny,wow...that's a lot of books. Good for you! I haven't kept count how many I've read this year but I'm sure it's a lot since we cancelled our dish network and only have Netflix to watch right now.

  9. I've read 59 so far (though one of the books I'm almost done with - and isn't in that total - is a 9 book compilation). I wanted to focus more on my writing this year, but life and health has gotten in the way. At least when I was recovering from surgery I could read. :)

  10. I have read 15 books so far this year. I am always recommending books to people because I enjoy introducing people to new friends I meet in books! I always post a review on goodreads/facebooks when I finsh a book.

  11. Margaret, 59! You're catching up with Jenny!

  12. Janet, Thanks for doing those reviews. Authors appreciate them!

  13. Karen, we only have free to air tv and there isn't that much worth watching so I often go to bed early and read although at present I go to bed try to read and fall asleep.

  14. Have only read 21 books this year, went through a time of not reading anything except Scripture. Am starting to read again, but I don't think I will make 100 books this year.

  15. Forgot to mention that I love recommending books to our book club. And always donate the best to the church library so others can enjoy!

  16. I have lost count on many boooks I have read this year. I get done reading one and I pick up another .I love to read good ,wholesome books that you take away something from them .Thanks ,Dana M Spille

  17. I love to read and have read 97 this year...some print...some Kindle. I pass my print books on to church libary. I have read (and loved) many books by Craftie Ladies! Keep up the great writing. Oh, love your cover, Lyn.

  18. I've read 41...totally behind on my goal for goodreads! I need to catch up. I got like three books going now. lol I do reviews on goodreads, amazon and barnes and noble. I just reviewed your Novella For Sophia's Heart, Lyn!

  19. WOW, I'm blown away by all these BIG totals. Amazing and bravo!!!

  20. I've read about 42 books this year. I don't write reviews much, but I'm getting more and more involved in Goodreads. My favorites so far were the Hunger Games. I am currently in Anaheim at the conference and about to attend a workshop by Pamela Morsi who is one of my favorites.

  21. I have read about 50+ books this year, 26 partially read and 30 unread. A book i've reviewed
    titled - enjoying the surrender to this great adventure

  22. So far this year, I have read 76 books.

    I recommend several books to different readers. I also post reviews on my blog, , Amazon and goodreads.

    I try to at least post a review, even if it's brief, on goodreads when I finish a book. I won't review on my blog EVERY book I read because that is time consuming. But 9/10 books I read I will review on my blog.

  23. How many books this year? I can't be sure---it was easier when I was borrowing from the library but now with the Kindle I am not sure. I would guess somewhere near 60-65 since I will probably have finished close to 100 in a whole year. I guess I should start to keep count. I tend to read 4-5 books at a time [easier with Kindle.I have recommended several books [more than I can put here but Davis Bunn's "The Lyon of Bablyon" and "Rare Earth" as well as "The Next Target" "Escape
    Hezbolah" and God and Kings]. So many. I do post reviews but am way behind. This cover looks amazing and is right up my alley. I do hope I win.

  24. Great comments, ladies. You all put me to shame. I don't think I've read as much as some of you since I left college (don't ask when that was!).:-)


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