Monday, July 30, 2012

Pixie Dust and RWA

Terri Reed here.  I've spent the last week in Anaheim at the Romance Writers of America national conference.  Unfortunately I came down with the RWA conference crud.  But that didn't stop me from enjoying the conference and Disneyland!  

I arrived on Tuesday and headed straight to the parks with some good friends.  

We had a Pixie Dust expereince the whole time. No traffic to and from airport, short lines, free ride passes, best spots to watch all the Disney magic at the fireworks and World of Color light show.  If you have a moment follow the links to Jenna and Melissa who blogged everyday of our week.

The conference started off with the RWA Literacy signing.  I signed my latest release.  RWA raised a staggering amount of money this year for Pro-Literacy.  

Workshops for the conference were fabulous.   One of my favorite speakers was Story Master Michael Hauge.   I learned so much and can't wait to get back to writing.

Here's Renee Ryan, Pam Tracy and I at the Harlequin Party.  

Me and the amazing Lenora Worth


  1. Hi Terri - Great pictures! And it WAS a great conference and I so enjoyed visiting with you!!

  2. Hi Terri, it was wonderful to see your photos from RWA! Looks like you all had a fun time. So glad you got to visit Disneyland too! What a treat. : )

  3. Great pictures, Terri. Looks like you had a great time at the conference. Sorry to hear about you catching the crud.

  4. Winnie, it was great seeing you too! The workshops were great and you did a fabulous job.

  5. Carrie, Disneyland was a treat! It was so nice at the end of the day to leave the hotel and go relax by watching the fireworks. We missed seeing you!

  6. Brandi, thank you for stopping in. The iky crud was going around. But I'll get better now that I'm home.

  7. I loved the pictures, too, especially the Craftie Ladies! I'll snag that and put it on the sidebar.

    What can I say... Craftie Ladies Rock!

  8. Looks like ya'll had fun. Wish I didn't have to miss it, but I'm looking forward to next year in Atlanta.

  9. Hi Terri!

    Great pics! Wasn't it fun to visit with all the LI authors! Even the editors commented about how we support each other.

    Sorry you weren't feeling up to par! I didn't notice you skipping a beat though, and as always, you looked gorgeous.

    I'm still jet-lagged and having trouble getting back to work. :)

    The American Christian Fiction Writers Conference will be my next event. Wave if you plan to attend.

    Hugs and Happy Homecoming to all!

  10. I got to chat with Winnie and Lenora at the airport while we were waiting for our various flights. Also chatted with our wonderful RWA President Linda Winstead Jones and Linda Howard. The two Lindas flew back to Atlanta on the same plane with me.

    Ah...but they were in First Class! :)

  11. How fun!! I missed seeing all of you this year. But I'll be there next year in Atlanta!! :)

  12. By the way, you all look beautiful!

  13. LOL on the first class, Debby! Maybe someday you and I will be doing that. ;)

  14. how cool thanks for sharing the photos. Sounds like you had a great time.

    I got to first class once but it was only a short time and because the seatbelt in my seat was broken and they had to find me another seat.

    I got business class a couple of times by being nice, asking for a window and saying it was my first time flying to perth (a 3 hours trip). When I returned I was saying how I had been so lucky to have a particular seat flying over and they said would you like it again. I was quite happy.

    Terri Sorry you are feeling below par.

  15. Pam, it was fun, wasn't it. Loved hanging out with you.
    Merrilee, we missed you.
    Debby, great to see you. First class is always a treat. Hubby and I were upgraded to first class on the way to our honeymoon. Nice way to start the marriage.
    Ausjenny, business class is swell too! We're flying back from London in business class.

  16. Looks like you had a great time! Thanks for sharing!

  17. Terri -- I thought I'd find some good conference photos over here and I did. Thanks. I thought this RWA conference was particularly fun. Maybe because I didn't have to fly to get to it. Anyway, it was nice to see you!

  18. So glad to spend so much time with you! This was the most fun I've ever had at conference!!!


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