Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fun at RomCon

Fun at RomCon

Hi, this is Margaret Daley. Two weeks ago I went to Denver to a reader's convention. I had so much fun and met some wonderful authors and readers. Everyone was friendly, and they loved books and reading.

Vickie McDonough and I led an inspirational chat and hosted a Texas Bingo in honor of our books set in Texas: Saving Hope by me and End of the Trail by Vickie. We also attended and were one of the hostesses at Deeanne Gist's Titanic Tea. The food was delicious (the best conference food I've had). At the tea we were each a person on the ship--crew or passenger. At the end we learned the fate of the person's name we had. Mine made it, but there were others at my table that died.

The picture at the top of is of me and Deeanne Gist at the Titanic Tea. We dressed in clothes that would have been worn at the turn of the 20th century. The picture at the bottom is of me and three male models vying for the Legendary Hero. The one who won the contest works with children with special needs and helps with Special Olympics--something near and dear to my heart.

RomCon was a very fun convention about my favorite topic--books.


  1. What fun photos!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Margaret,
    How fun! I know so little about RonCon. Thanks for providing great pics. Is it always held in the same area? Do you plan to attend next year?

    You and Dee look so elegant in your tea attire! :)

  3. I think it is held in Denver every year. I love Denver. The people who put it on are from the area.

  4. Margaret, it was so fun! And I'm so glad I got to spend time with you and Vickie.

  5. Margaret, You turn up at the most interesting places. Were there many readers of inspirational romance there?

  6. There were some readers who enjoyed inspirational stories and I hope to show others how good our books are.

  7. Sounds like a great time. I love the Titanic costumes.

  8. Thanks for sharing sounds like a great time.

  9. Hi Margaret, it looks like you had a lot of fun! Thanks for telling us about RomCon.

  10. Oh, what a fun time! Thank you for sharing and for the photos. I've never been but it sounds great.


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