Thursday, July 19, 2012

Downton Abbey- a must see

Terri Reed here. I recently discovered a PBS show called Downton Abbey.  If you haven't given this period piece a try, you should!  Set in England in the early 1900's, the show depicts the country life of the Crawley family and their staff.  The story starts with the news of the Titanic sinking and the loss of someone close to the family.  From there, life for the Crawley's takes a turn as a new heir is brought into the fold.  As the years past bringing with it change such as women suffragettes, home electricity, telephones, cars,  the phonograph and World War 1, the characters develop and grow, sometimes adapting well to the new inventions and new ways of thinkings and sometimes...not so much.
The dynamics of the aristocratic family and the staff make this a fascinating show to watch.  There are villains who turn out to be heroes, heroes who act villainous, machination galore, touching moments as well as funny moments.  My favorite character is the Dowager Lady Crawley played by the incomparable Maggie Smith.  She has, by far, the best lines.   In fact, the writing is witty, smart and engaging.   The actors all are believable in their roles, which makes the show that much more enjoyable.   I've laughed, cheered, boo'd, clapped and cried through the first two seasons.  And I eagerly await season three.  Supposedly Shirley MacLaine is joining the cast.  This should be fun!
Oh, and on a personal note, my husband and I are taking out daughter to London in August to attend university.  Hubby and I plan on visiting Highclere Castle, the set for Downton Abbey, while in England.  So exciting!!


  1. Hi Terri, Oh, I love Downton Abbey too! So much so that I am writing a book set in England in that same time period. My husband and I are also going to England in late August - early September and have tickets to tour Highclere Castle on August 30th. What day will you be there? : )

  2. I plan on catching up on this series very soon. I've asked for the first two seasons DVD for Christmas! It's amazing how many writers are watching the show. That means it has to be good.

  3. I've heard a lot of really good things about this show!

  4. I must be one of the few people who isn't into this show. I have seem bits but just cant get into it. The irony is I use to love upstairs downstairs.

  5. Carrie, we'll be there on August 30th too! For the morning session. YOU? Wouldn't that be something if we saw each other!

  6. Lenora, it is good. Like I said, the writing is amazing.
    Jessica, give it a try.
    Ausjenny, I'd encourage you to give it another try. But you have to start from the first episode because the episodes sometimes pick up right where they left off, and sometimes jump in time but refer to things that happened previously but they don't explain what happened because all the characters know.

  7. I did watch the first show and then just couldn't get into it.

  8. Ausjenny, I guess its not everyone's cup of tea. Do you have any good shows to recommend? We ditched our cable and now watch everything through the Wii on Hulu Plus. No more current shows, only back seasons and defunct shows. I started watched Eureka. Interesting. Kind of moves slow but I'm finding myself liking it.

  9. Terri, I've never watched this but I'm thinking of downloading from netflix and giving it a try. I have heard so many good things about it.

  10. Absolutely LOVE Downton Abbey!! Now my middle daughter has also discovered it and she's fallen for it! ~ It's funny, because I'd read lots of comments about it awhile back (authors saying they loved it) but for some reason I really didn't think I'd care for it that much. Wrong, LOL! All it took was one episode, and I was hooked. Blessings, Patti Jo :)


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