Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Daily Dose of Suspense

Pamela Tracy here.

Nine times out of ten, when I finish a book it’s suspense. It’s been that way since about age eight when Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon, Robin Kane, and Donna Parker lined my bookcases.

I love suspenses that put me on the edge of my seat because

1. a secret put the main character(s) in danger.

2. something not secret put the main character(s) in danger.

3. Is there a third category or do all suspenses fall under the above two descriptions?

I don’t like suspenses that involved bad guys who resemble Freddy Kruger (if I’m in the mood for that – which the older I get, the less I am – I’ll read horror) and I don’t like suspenses that have serial killers (I once had to read ten in a row).

Suspense is a feeling of uncertainty, combined with anxiety, about how (not only how the bad guy loses all but how the hero and heroine gain all) the story will unfold.

Right now I’m listening to a fairly new Elizabeth Peters Vicki Bliss novel called The Laughter of Dead Kings(hour commute back and forth to work). I’m reading a cozy paranormal called It Takes a Witch by Heather Blake. On my Kindle (purse book) I’m reading Space Farms (it’s not a mystery; it's for my 2013 release which takes place on a zoo).

There you have it, I always have a book at my fingertips.
How about you?
What are you reading?
And what would you put for number three above?


  1. I'm reading Lynette's Danger on the Mountain; a female undercover cop's biography--can't remember the title off hand; and an unpublished historical for a friend. :)

  2. I read suspense from time to time, but it's not my first choice.

  3. I read suspense from time to time, but it's not my first choice.

  4. Oh, Sandra, that sounds good. If you think of the title, post it here.

  5. Merrillee,
    I tend to switch around alot. I used to be a big historical reader, but now it's suspense.
    BTW, will you be in Arizona in February?

  6. Suspense and mystery is my first choice followed by Historical fiction.


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