Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Day Prep

Hi Terri Reed here. I'm in the throes of Thanksgiving Day prep. Are you?
1) turkey breast has been ordered. We do turkey breast instead of a whole turkey because no one in my family will eat anything but white meat. I can't stand wasting food so we've pared it down.   2)carpet cleaners are coming today and dogs are going to groomers. 3) workout in preparation for eating foods I don't normally eat--like pecan pie!  Yum. Pecan pie is more like a chunk of candy than pie. 4) buy all the refrigerated foods-- my sister-in-laws will bring the rest. We split the cost of everything. Though we've pared down how much feast we make over the years. Thanksgiving isn't about food, it's about being together and being thankful for all of God's blessings. 5) bought two new family games to play.  What does your family do on Thanksgiving besides eat?

Several years ago I belonged to a gourmet dinner club. It's was so fun, especially since I don't like to cook. Working together with two or three other ladies to create a fabulous meal was such a great way to try new dishes and to bond with friends. 
Here's a recipe for a stuffing from the club that has become a family favorite over the years. 

Pebble Beach Lodge--Italian Sausage Stuffing
By Gregg Denter, Sous Chef at the Lodge
1/2 lb butter
1lb Italian sausage
1 yellow onion
4 stalks celery
5 cloves garlic, Crushed
1 tsp thyme
1 tsp marjoram
1 tsp fresh sage
1/4 cup Sherry wine ( though I use Marsala wine because I like the flavor better)
2 tsps salt (I don't use this much-I figure people can salt to taste later, but this is what the recipe calls for)
1 tsps pepper
1loaf of bread cubed (I'm going to try making this with gluten free bread this year)
2 cups chicken stock
2 eggs

Heat butter in sauté pan, add sausage and brown. Add veggies, garlic, and spices- sauté until veggies begin to cook. Add the wine. Put in bowl and add cubed bread, chicken stock and eggs. Mix thoroughly. Stuff in turkey, if desired.(I don't- I just bake it). Cook in oven at 375 degrees until turkey reaches an internal tempt urge of 160 degrees (I bake for 20 minutes or until hot all the way through-since oven temps vary). 

Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone. 


  1. The dressing recipe sounds great, Terri. I love to cook so every year I try something new. This year, it's a new dressing recipe with bacon and pecans. My menu is growing to a mile long!

  2. Hey Linda, everything taste better with bacon! You'll have to let us know how it turns out. Blessings to you and your over this holiday.

  3. My son-in-law is cooking the turkey and my husband is making the dressing. I am thankful.

  4. Mmm, stuffing sounds yummy. I have to admit, this year I bought a Butterball pre-stuffed cook from frozen turkey. They always turn out yummy and saves me tons of work. :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Terri, this sounds fabulous. I'm from south Louisiana and my mom always made a rice and oyster dressing when we were growing up - YUM! She still makes it for Christmaas and all us 'kids' fight over the leftovers!

  6. We're eating at my mother-in-laws with an elderly couple because none of our kids will be here. We'll work outside until Time to go and I'll bring the homemade spelt rolls.
    Terri, Have wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. LOL, I'm such a non-cook that I didn't realize it wasn't a main dish until you wrote "stuff in the turkey". I was thinking, "Oh, a casserole idea for a potluck!."

  8. Leann , my hubby cooks the turkey. He won't let any of near it. LOL.
    Sandra, I've never tried a butterball.
    Winnie, that sounds interesting. I've never heard of a dressing with oysters.
    Paty, homemade spelt! Wow. Good for you.
    Pamela, lol. I make as a casserole/side dish since we don't have a turkey carcass to stuff.


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