Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Up, Up and Away by Merrillee Whren

Does this look like fun? This is a photo of the one and only hot air balloon ride I took with my husband more years ago than I want to count. While I was writing my second book in the Village of Hope series, NURSING THE SOLDIER'S HEART, I wanted a unique date for my hero and heroine. Then I recalled the exciting experience we had when we took this balloon ride over Napa Valley and thought I could use that. I remembered what we saw on our balloon ride, but my characters live in Georgia, so I didn't know what one would look like there. Enter You Tube and a search for balloon rides in Georgia. If you'd like to get a little taste of a balloon ride in the Atlanta, Georgia, area click on the video.

You can read about Kirsten and Brady's date in NURSING THE SOLDIER'S HEART, which is available now. You can read an excerpt if you click the book title.

I will be giving away copies of the first book in the Village of Hope series, SECOND CHANCE REUNION. If you would like a copy, make a comment and leave your email in the comment.

What is the most exciting adventure you have had?

Merrillee Whren is the winner of the 2003Golden Heart Award presented by Romance Writers of American. She is married to her own personal hero, her husband of  thirty-five plus years, and has two grown daughters. Her latest book, Nursing the Soldier's Heart, is available at all major book retailers. You can find the buy links at her website. Connect with her on her Facebook page.


  1. It's early, but I can't think of anything I've done that's as exciting as an air balloon flight. :)

  2. How fun! How long was your balloon ride?

  3. Christine, it lasted about an hour. We flew over a lot of vineyards and we could actually see the ocean in the distance. We had to get up very early because you need cool air in order for the balloon to rise.

  4. Merrillee, that sounds like so much fun. I'm not sure I'd have the nerve to do it now, but I would have when I was younger.

    Isn't it amazing what you can find on YouTube? Makes an author's life much easier.

  5. Ah, the internet makes research so fun. I love how you used your experience in the book. My most exciting excursion was the Alaskan cruise hubby and I took to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary, which I too used in a book. :D

  6. My most exciting adventure was when I was 18 years old I traveled across the country all by myself. Looking back I can't believe I did that! caliletihw@gmail.com

  7. My most exciting adventure was getting remarried to my husband. After being married for thirteen years, then divorcing it was a hard road for me. Thankfully my husband still believed we would remarry. Now after 32 years together , our bump in the road was an adventure of learning, forgiveness and experiencing unconditional love. Every day is a great adventure with him .


  8. Cate, You Tube is a great place to do research. In the next book in the series I watched skydiving videos. I haven't been that brave yet.

  9. Sandra, I'm always plucking something out of my life's experiences to use in books.

  10. Laurie, yes that was a brave thing to do. When my kids were in middle school, the three of us drove from Boston to Spokane, WA. We had a flat tire on the way. I was glad someone stopped to help me change it.

  11. Deana, how wonderful that you and your husband were able to reunite.

  12. Isn't life an adventure? I think being married for any significant amount of time gives us the greatest adventure. I know that 20 years ins't very long for some, but looking back over those years and seeing the child I was when I married and now having children approaching an appropriate age for marriage causes much reminiscing. If it wasn't for my children, I would still be that irrational and immature young adult. Thank the Lord for every adventure he has placed in my path that has help cultivate a little wisdom and maturity. Thanks for sharing a little bit of your adventures, Merrillee. :)

    tlhcoupon (at) hotmail (dot) com

  13. trosado, you are right. Marriage is an adventure. Thanks for visiting the blog.

  14. We took a road trip from Eastern Nebr to Las Vegas to attend our oldest sons' wedding :)
    A week on the road was so fun. We turned it into a honeymoon we never took!
    dkstevensneAT outlookDOtC OM

  15. Wow I don't think I could do that and impressed that you did.


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