Friday, December 4, 2015

Do you want to visit The Shoe Box? Lenora Worth :)

Hello. I'm very excited because I took a new step in promoting my books. I'm starting a newsletter. We're calling it The Shoe Box. You all know how much I love shoes. I also love shoe boxes. They seem to hold so many different things in life. Old photos, jewelry that will never be untangled, one earring, one sock. Love letters and cards and notes. Things like that.

So I thought what better name for my e-news? The Shoe Box. I hope we'll find fun things there. I'm not much on going on and on about things so this will be a new experience. But I wanted to invite all of you to go to my website at and find the Mailing List bubble located on the home page. You can sign up for The Shoe Box there.

My first attempt will be a Christmas letter and update. But first, I probably need to decorate my house! I might ask you to send pictures sometimes, too. So we can share them together and I can keep them in my shoe box! I hope rather than a newsletter, this will be more like a letter home. I'll include any upcoming releases and some prizes here and there.

Meanwhile, I hope you all have a great holiday season. Merry Christmas! I appreciate our readers so much. You are the beat of our hearts and the thread that keeps all of us together. We write for you. Your support means the world to all of us! My one wish for this season: Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me :)

This story is being reissued just in time for Christmas!


  1. What a great idea, Elnora (oops! LENORA) ;)
    I will sign up right away. And how true about old shoe boxes - - oh my, I discovered one I'd kept (and am keeping!) that contains items from when I was 12 years old (guess they'd be considered "antique items" by now? LOL). But what memories those old magazines, etc. brought back for me. There are a *few* advantages to being a packrat, I guess.
    Have fun decorating for Christmas! I've started, but have a ways to go - - but I LOVE this time of year, so it's a fun job to haul up things from my basement. :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  2. Thanks, Patti Jo. I'll love having you!

  3. Great name and fits you :)
    Hehehe, just like shoes fit you.

  4. Hi Lenora! I signed up for your newsletter, thanks for the heads up!! :-) I love to connect with authors in this way. Talking about shoe-boxes....we filled shoe boxes for Samaritans Purse Operation Shoe Box at our church to send out to kids of the world. I don't know if you've heard of this ministry, but our little church of about 30 people put together 120 boxes!! It's amazing how God can provide :-) It's such a blessing to know that we can help not only give kids presents but spread the Gospel message. He's an awesome God isn't He?


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