Friday, December 18, 2015

What Are We Writing? By Margaret Daley

Author: Carolyne Aarsen
Title: MIM #6 (doesn’t have a title yet)
Hero and Heroine: Dean and Erin
Line: Love Inspired Contemporary
One paragraph from the page you are currently on: The smell of the hospital brought back too many bad memories for Dean.
Due Date: January 8
Word or page count goal today: 3,000 words

Author: Lorraine Beatty
Title: Seth and Carrie’s story  (proposal book #4)
Hero and Heroine: Seth Montgomery Carrie Fletcher
Line: LI
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t be true. Not now. Now when he’d finally was making things right in his life. A lump of old shame and regret formed in his gut. Had his past finally caught up with him?
Due Date: Jan 1st
Word or page count goal today: 1,000 plus edits

Author: Patricia Johns
Title: The Soldier's Wounded Heart
Hero and Heroine: Brody Mason and Kaitlyn Harpe
Line: American Romance
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
Kaitlyn had lived in her sister’s shadow her entire life, and she refused to stay there in the heart of the man she loved. Brody had been in love with her sister—he probably was still in love with her—and there was one thing Kaitlyn would never be to any man, and that was second best."
Due Date: April 2016
Word or page count goal today: 2000

Author: Terri Reed
Title: TBA—Book 5 of the Northern Border Patrol series
Hero and Heroine: Canada Border Service officer Nathanial Longhorn and Sheriff’s Deputy Audrey Martin
Line: Love Inspired Suspense
One paragraph from the page you are currently on: This is just a random paragraph near the end
Noise on the roof sent her pulse careening. Her body tensed. The sound of glass breaking as men swung through the windows was the distraction she needed. She whirled on the goon holding her arm. Using the side of her hand, she chopped into his throat. He doubled over. She slipped the strap off his shoulder and gripped the semi-automatic in her hands. Two thugs stepped in front of Kosloff, blocking her aim. 

Due Date: December 15th
Word or page count goal today: Done and turned in on Dec 3rd
Something cool learned from research:  A deputy sheriff carries roughly thirty-two pounds of gear on their body. 

Author: Rhonda Gibson
Title: Working Title: Pony Express Bride
Hero and Heroine: Thomas Young and Josephine Dooly
Line: Love Inspired Historical
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
Josephine lay low over her horse’s back. She whispered soothing words in his ear, even though she was sure he couldn’t hear them over the yells of the bandits that were in hot pursuit of her. “Just a little further ole boy. We’re almost to the station.” She was talking about the pony express station. Once she rounded the bend, Josephine knew the men would stop following her. Ole Mac had said so when he’d told her about this part of her run.
Due Date: March 2015
Word or page count goal today: 1000 words a day, five days a week
Something cool learned from research: That history does not know for sure that only men rode the pony express. There could have been a woman or two in the mix.

Author: Louise M. Gouge
Title: Four Stones Ranch Book 4 (as yet untitled)
Hero and Heroine: Reverend Micah Thomas and Deputy Grace Eberly
Line: Love Inspired Historical.
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
As the Denver and Rio Grande train pulled out of the Esperanza station, Deputy Grace Eberly swiped away an unexpected tear and then glanced around. It wouldn’t do to have folks see their deputy sheriff crying like some silly girl. Fortunately, the only person left on the platform was good ol’ Reverend Thomas, who really wasn’t all that old, just friendly. He smiled and touched the wide brim of his well-worn black Stetson.
“You’re going to miss your sister, aren’t you?”
She stepped over to him and gave him her best deputy scowl. “You’d better not tell anybody you saw me cry.” Tall as she was, she could stare down on most men but stood eye-to-eye with the reverend when she wore her boots.
Due Date: March 15, 2016
Word or page count goal today: 1500
Something cool learned from research: 
When we see movies in which a gunslinger fans his pistol to supposedly fire faster, that's not quite accurate. Plus, the fanning action is hard on the six-gun's action. Who knew?

Author: Sandra Orchard
Title: Over Mayan Dead Body (tentative) Book 3 Serena Jones Mysteries
Hero and Heroine: Serena Jones and Nathan Butler or maybe Tanner Calhoun ;)
Line: Revell Publishing
One paragraph from the page you are currently on: 
“Uh, you’re missing the big picture here,” Tanner said as if I was more than a little slow on the uptake. He tapped the cover. “Look at it.” 
“I am looking at it,” I snapped back, not bothering to keep the irritation from my voice. He could be more forthcoming.
Due Date: June 1, 2016
Word or page count goal today: 2000 words
Something cool learned from research: antiquity smuggling is the second largest source of income for at least one terrorist group.

Author: Jean C. Gordon
Title: Reclaiming His Family (working title_
Hero and Heroine: Rhys Mattox and Renee Delacroix
Line: Love Inspired Romance
One paragraph from the page you are currently on:
After Renee had left, he rested his elbows on his knees, head in hands. Again, what had he expected? That she’d be excited for him? He felt good about the job and the opportunity it offered him and his boys. That’s all that mattered. It wasn’t as if he and Renee were friends. He was a CPS client. Rhys ignored the hollow in his stomach. Once he had Owen and Dylan back, between caring for them and work, he wouldn’t have much time for her or anyone else as a friend.
Due Date: I plan to sent the proposal to my Love Inspired editor on January 4.
Word or page count goal today:  0. Today's an errand day.

Something cool learned from research: In New York State, the sentence for robbery where a gun or violence is used is five to twenty-five years.

Author:  Pamela Tracy
Title:  The Bluebonnet Bride
Line:  Redbud Press, novella
Due date:  December 21
Word Count Goal: 1000 words today.
One paragraph from the page your are currently on.    
“You still thinking about trying to find your mother?”
Amy stared out the window of the Pecan Pie Diner and shook her head.  “I’m too afraid it will change things.  I finally have a life.  I finally have friends and fit in.  What if she shows up and ruins all that?”
“I think you’ll find,” Daniel said, “that the kind of friends and the life you have here are bigger than what one person can destroy.”
Amy shook her head.  “You don’t know my mother.”
Daniel reached across the table and took one of her hands.  “No, but I know you.”

Something learned from Research:  Many churches today have commercial kitchens.  


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