Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Undercover Research

Hi Everyone! I’m sorry I’ve been incognito for the past while. We’ve had a very full few months around our home.

In August we welcomed an adorable new grandson into our family.

Then in early October, we welcomed a beautiful new daughter-in-love into our family.

The happenings have all been great inspiration for happy endings. Then...

There were a couple of romantic upsets amongst other loved ones. Interestingly, they remarkably mirrored the romantic conflicts, fears and weaknesses/personality quirks our editors are always after us to exploit in our stories.

In other words…I’ve been doing research!

In addition to the incognito kind above, I returned late last night from an awesome research trip to Martha’s Vineyard to scout out locations for my current mystery work-in-progress. 

My friend even indulged me by demonstrating where my victim might be sprawled.

I toured the hospital, interviewed police officers, and scouted hiking areas and beaches for locales suitable for the nefarious activities that are bound to happen. I also found the perfect homes for my characters down roads like this one:

Lots can happen on a road like that don’t you think?

Yup, so much could happen that... while I was there, I plotted the new Love Inspired Suspense my editor has patiently been waiting for me to get around to.

And of course, the Island has many perfect locations for the happy ending.

While I'm working on my new stories, if you haven't had a chance to try out my Port Aster Secrets mystery series, book 1, Deadly Devotion is currently free at online retailers

I'm also very excited to share that my most recent Love Inspired Suspense, Emergency Reunion, is still available in paperback and was recently nominated for the 2015 RT Book Reviews Reviewers' Choice Award.

Sandra Orchard is a multi-award-winning author of mysteries and romantic suspense with Revell Publishing and Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense imprint. A mother of three grown children, she lives in Niagara, Canada with her real-life-hero husband and writes full time…when not doting on her young grandchildren. Learn more about Sandra’s books and bonus features at www.SandraOrchard.com or connect at www.Facebook.com/SandraOrchard


  1. Love that demonstration your friend did for you! This sort of research is such fun, but I'm wondering if you might have looked a little suspicious while doing it... LOL.

  2. Miss you already! We had the best time, and I can't wait to read what you're going to drag those poor characters through on their ways to happily ever after!

    I swiped that photo, btw. I'm cracking up still.

    I do think you'll need to return for a little more research though, say around July when the weather is perfect for tourists smuggling (oops, I mean visiting!).

  3. Love the photos! Congrats on the new members to your family :)

    LOL on Christine's comment!! :)

  4. Yes, Christine, it was tons of fun and Lisa is a great sport. Thankfully there was no one else around at the time...another excellent reason why it was the perfect spot for my victim. ;)

    When talking with police officers and hospital personnel, they were very intrigued and a couple said they'd have to read the book.

    LOL, Lisa, although I like the non-tourist times...much more peaceful. :) Miss you, too! I spent the morning with my grandchildren though, which was a wonderful treat. They loved the shells we collected for them.

    Thank you, Missy! We feel very blessed.

  5. I spotted one of your books in a Walmart here :)
    Research is soooo much fun.

  6. Pamela, was it one of my mysteries? That would be soooo cool! Walmart has them listed online, but I haven't heard from anyone that they'd seen one in an actual store.

  7. I'm a day late in seeing your post, Sandra, but loved the photos! (well, except your poor friend demonstrating a victim, LOL - - those rocks look terribly uncomfortable!). SO glad you had a good trip!
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  8. Fun post! I especially enjoyed the picture of your friend sprawled out on the rocks, now that's a true friend...haha! Glad to know no-one was around to see that as I'm sure you'd get quite a few strange looks...or worse, give someone a heart attack because they thought she really fell...yikes!
    Busy year for you, Sandra! Congrats on both the new grandson & daughter-in-law, such blessings the Lord bestowed on your family. Here's wishing all of you a Merry Christmas!


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