Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Last Vacation

As I’m writing this post, I’m sitting in Thermopolis, Wyoming. The snowfall today was beautiful but brief. I came out from Abilene, Kansas with my parents. We met up with my brother, Mark, from Montana for a few days of rest and relaxation in the hot springs here. It’s a long way from Kansas and I really couldn’t spare the time off, but I also knew there wouldn’t be many more trips like this that I’d be able to take with Mom and Dad. Their getting up in age and Mom’s health is frail.
This morning, Mom, my sister-in-law and I were visiting about our childhoods when Mom suddenly forgot who I was. She was convinced I was one of her sisters. Several long minutes later, she piped up and said, "Oh you’re my daughter. You’re not my sister."
We all laughed about it, but for those few minutes I saw what was to come and it was incredibly sad.
I am so glad I came on this trip. I thank God for all the wonderful minutes, hours, days and years I’ve had with my parents. I pray I’ll never take another minute together for granted.
Pat Davids


  1. Pat, I hope you have a wonderful trip with your family. Those are precious times.

  2. How incredibly sad to have that happen with your mom. Hugs, Pat.

    On a happier note, I once visited Thermopolis--Don't you think the name sounds like something out of either Superman or Greek mythology? LOL

  3. Oh, Pat, how difficult. But I'm so glad you're able to take this vacation and to enjoy some time with your parents.

    I just spent Thanksgiving with my parents, and it socked me in the gut every time I'd see moments where I could tell how they're aging.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.

  4. And I guess I should add that I have moments where I can't believe how I'm aging! :)

  5. Pat, you will never regret taking time away from your busy schedule and spending it with your parents, so treasure every moment with them. Mine are both with the Lord, but we were always close during their last years here.

    I love Christian romance and appreciate the time all of you put into this blog.

  6. Pat- how lucky you were to listen to your heart and make the trip. I believe God was telling you to go. I was lucky enough to live in the same town as my parents and be with them until the end.

  7. How fortunate that you could spend time with your parents. Cherish this visit. It is a blessing.

  8. Pat, I'm so glad you were able to have this time with your mom and your dad. I live in the same town with my parents and cherish the time we spend together. I went on two vactions with them last year one to Sedona Arizona (wonderful trip)and then to Branson Missouri (also a wonderful trip and research for my book The Cowboy Takes a Bride!)But aside from the trips themselves being fun it was just the time spent with them and knowing we were making memories even at our age :)
    God bless you and I pray you have many more good times with your mom and your dad.

  9. I'm REAL glad for you that you got that chance to spend with your folks. Time has a way of slipping those opportunities out of grasp all too soon.
    THERMOPOLIS!! We have a friend who lives there and have driven through there on our way to Buffalo more than once in the past few years. We even enjoyed the hot springs pool once. What a special place to make special memories you will treasure always.
    Pam Williams
    cepjwms at yahoo dot com


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