Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year Everyone

Romans 8:28 (New International Version)
"More Than Conquerors
28And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose."

During the month of January we're decided to talk about faith.

I know, I know. It's an odd topic for inspirational romance authors and readers.

As we face the coming year we'll all have challenges in our lives. It's a given. Maybe we're facing them already. Work, finances, health, family issues, sometimes we get hit with all of them at once. Yet we know that God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

What challenges are you facing or have you faced? How has your faith affected how you deal with those issues? We're here to share our journey to faith and to help each other along the road.

May He Bless and Keep You in the Palm of His Hand.


  1. not sure of the answer but I know the next few months will be interesting. With mum in hospital I have 9 weeks i can use before I may lose my payment unless they will class it as hospital even though she was moved to the nursing home. I have to have Faith it will all work out and mum will be home before I run out of time. otherwise I will be looking for work while still visiting her and have a cut in my payment of around 100-150 dollars each week.
    Which will make it hard to make ends meet. I have to have Faith God will take care of the matters. the first being ringing our agency tomorrow to let them know whats happening with mum.
    God did work a miricle last year as I should have run out of days on the 22nd of dec but the agency says i still had 6 days left. but after tomorrow I will know if i have 9 weeks or 18 before i get cut.
    Also have to have faith mum will be home hopefully withing 12 weeks.

  2. Jenny,

    What's wrong with your mother? I'm sending prayers her way, and for you, too.

  3. Pat mum broke her leg a sprial fracture of the femur top bone.
    and its been set but with christmas and summer the surgeon is now on holidays so the xrays will be Jan 20. she will then have to learn to walk again. Shes 89.
    Hopefully it will take less time than we think but she seems to think she will get out of bed and start walking no problem.

  4. Pat, thanks for kicking off January with our theme Bible verse.

    We've had a rough week. One of my daughter's friends (age 11) died the day after Christmas. I've really had to lean on my faith, and so have all the people of our church. I'm sure her family wouldn't be able to get through this without their faith. But God will work good of this.


  5. Faith. That's a great topic for any type of blog.

    I once took one of those spiritual gifts test..I forget the name of it..anyway, FAITH was one of mine.

    It's the rock on which I stand. I just said the other day that I feel like God is gonna take me and my family on a wild ride in 2009 (long story) but while I was a little nervous at what we'd face, I was not scared, because I KNOW God will be with us NO MATTER WHAT we face.

    So, I say, "Bring it on" 2009.

    Great post, thanks for sharing this. Have a great day!

  6. This idea that we're in the palm of His hand has always brought me great comfort.



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