Friday, December 26, 2008

Whew! I survived!!!

Well, here I am and since you're reading this, I take it you survived the Christmas rush and visitors and all those cookies, too. The fudge nearly did me in until I managed to give it all away!

It's been cold here. This is the view from my front porch. We have had more icy precipitation thad real snow. Give me flakes any time.

As you can tell, I'm starting to get the hang of doing this, although with me, anything is possible - and likely - as we continue with this blog.

Those of you who follow Love Inspired authors may know I live in the Arkansas Ozarks. If you didn't already, you do now! I was trying to put the picture of my old farm house here, in the text, and it wound up at the top. Oh, well. At least you get to see it that way. The one on the left is the old, old house that was the original log cabin on this land. The white house on the right is the "new" house that's only about 90 years old. Makes me feel like a real kid.
If I knew how to do it, I'd also post a picture here, of me. Since it would undoubtedly end up at the top, again, I'll wait till next time when I have more time to fiddle with it.

Happy New Year and please keep checking back with us. Remember, there is a contest for a gift card running right now so leave comments and enter.


  1. Val,
    Love the pictures. All our snow has melted away. There is a warm, damp south wind blowing up today. The weatherman has promised us a few almost warm days before winter comes back.

  2. I too love the pics. Its hard to imagine a white christmas.

  3. I love the old, old house. It reminds me of my grandmother's. I can remember sitting at her kitchen table while she and my mother did laundry right there in the kitchen. They had a tub and it had a wringer. The house had great porches - something we really don't have here in Phoenix. We drove three hours to the snow, on purpose!, last weekend.

  4. Val, I'm glad your post showed up!

    I loved the photos. We can only dream of a white Christmas in Georgia. My kids got really hopeful when the weatherman mentioned snow flurries in the mountains. But we only got a drizzly rain.

  5. Glad your post showed up. I love the pictures wherever they end up. Not only do we not have snow here we had the AC on at my brother's house on Christmas day. It was in the 80°s. We never see snow (well once every 100 years it may snow a couple of inches so since I've seen my 100 year snow I don't expect to see any more here.

  6. I enjoyed your interesting post and lovely photos. We have snow which melts quickly since it is sunny and mild the majority of the time. I had to deal with a great deal of snow and cold when I did live in the Great White North. No More of such harsh winters.

  7. Val,
    What Great pics. thanks for sharing these beautiful and historic homes. We have dry and mild weather which I enjoy. Had enuogh snow when I was young so I don't miss it at all.


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