Monday, April 13, 2009

Day After Easter

How was your Easter? I was thinking about the day -- wondering if I'll be basking in the afterglow or just moving on with life like nothing's happened. I'm writing this in advance because by the time you read it I will be leaving my brother's place where I will have celebrated Easter with my parents, my brother, sister-in-law and nephews. We've had some great Easters together (my nephews are convinced I am the Easter Bunny and I have never denied it). Why don't you post a note here and tell everyone how your Easter went. As I said, I'll be driving north from Tucson so I don't know if I'll be able to check in. But I'll read your notes when I can.


  1. Had a relaxing Easter will only a few eggs but lots of Hot Cross Buns. Didn't go out much due to it being a wet autumn wonderland outside.

  2. SketchGirl -- I've always thought Hot Cross Buns are the best!

  3. I hope you had a great time, Janet!

    We had a busy day at church (singing in choir, etc.), then ate lunch out, then had a quiet day at home, just the four of us. The weather was gorgeous, and we had a really nice day.


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