Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Spring--time of birth

I wanted to announce the birth of my granddaughter this month. She is adorable. Her big sis is doing great tolerating another person taking up her mommie time. Grandma loves holding her although about all she does right now is eat and sleep. And boy, she is eating a lot! The day after she left the hospital she was already back up to her birth weight of six pounds, eight ounces. The following week she'd gained five ounces.


  1. Oh... I just love it when the babies fit in the crux of your arm. They give a warmth like no other. Margaret, what a little cutie.

  2. Margaret,
    Congratulations on the new granddaughter. Your post reminded me of holding my new little granddaughter back in December. Now she is growing so fast.

  3. Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter.

  4. Congrats. What a cutie! Well, both of you, actually. Grandkids are our reward for living through our own children's teenage years.

  5. LOL, Pat, so true. Thanks everyone. She is a cutie.

  6. How precious! Enjoy all those little snuggles and that sweet, sweet smell babies always have :-)

  7. Congratulations Margaret! That's a sweet picture of the two of you. Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  8. Oh, how sweet!! Congrats, Grandma!!

    Kiss her little head for me. There's nothing softer and sweeter-smelling than a tiny baby's head. :)


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