Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hanging by Your Fingertips

This blog isn’t specifically about renewal, but in a way it is. I’m renewed by the Good News of Easter. I’m renewed each time I think of Jesus’ sacrifice or of how much He must love me. A little event occurred this weekend that sort of relates. I hope.

I have a four-year-old grandson. Like most little boys, Kade sometimes gets himself into a sticky situation. Last Saturday he was in the garage with his mom. She was loading the car to go to the church Easter egg hunt and didn’t have her eye specifically on him. She pressed the garage door opener and went on loading things.

Suddenly, she heard a small voice call, “Help, help!” Kade had grabbed hold of the garage door bottom, and there he went—all the way to the top of the garage, dangling by his little finger! My daughter-in-law is very small and couldn’t reach him. Fearing he couldn’t hold on much longer, she rushed over, reached up, and told Kade to jump into her arms. He did, and she caught him. Though he could have been hurt, today the story is funny. I can just seen Kade taking that ride out of curiosity, then suddenly aware that he’s got a problem he can’t solve.

Kade’s incident brought to mind my relationship with the Lord. Sometimes I get myself into bad situations. Sometimes I’m doing things that I think the Lord wants me to do, but nothing is going right. And there I am holding on by my fingertips, painfully aware that I can’t handle this by myself. The amazing, marvelous thing is this: The minute I cry, “Help, help,” those strong, loving, everlasting arms reach out. That’s when I have to Kade’s childlike trust, the confidence of knowing that if I take that leap of faith, my Heavenly Father is there to catch me.

Christ is Risen...and boy, I'm glad!!


  1. Having three cats, I had to laugh at that picture.

  2. yes loved the cat, but please enter me into a drawing for a free book. I love to read them over and over.

  3. Great post Linda! It is so true and inspiring.


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