Friday, November 9, 2012

Ask Elnora--About Peace On Earth--Lenora Worth

Hello, my thanksgiving friends. This has been a long and strange week, but this blog will be short and sweet. Elnora is on the road again. I'm beginning to feel like Willie Nelson. While I'm traveling, let's discuss how to find peace on earth when it sometimes seem as if chaos is the rule of the day. I posted a picture on facebook because I found some peace when Big Daddy and I went for a sunset walk along the Gulf. Even though people are hurting, confused, cold, hungry and frightened, God is still with us. We do not live with a spirit of fear. God always sends us hope--to help those in need, to understand those who are different from us, to embrace grace and rebuke intolerance, to show love by putting out a hand in friendship instead of spouting out words of hate. Let's discuss finding peace on earth and if you don't want to discuss, then just listen and let God's light shine through you, no matter what. I'd rather shine a light in darkness than stumble along a road full of hate. What do you think?


  1. fully agree. This week I had a couple of people here who were down about something and when I tried to be positive or suggest a positive response they both talking at once state it wouldn't happen and got so negative I had to say stop!
    It seems some people will always see the negative in everything when if they just stepped back and look they would see a brighter future.

    I am now walking or riding most mornings (riding depends on the wind factor) and find it so peaceful. when walking I listen to music and admire the roses and other gardens etc. Riding I get to see birds on the side of the road and tend to wonder where there is a straight stretch without the hills. but still enjoy the peace of that time of morning. I think it helps set the day. Choosing to be positive is takes so much less energy than always finding the negatives in things. (I know I am exhausted after being with negative people and tend to try to disassociate after a bit).

  2. Yes, Lenora, God's peace passes all understanding.

    And the photos are GORGEOUS.

  3. Aah, being near the water and listening to the waves always fills me with peace. Love the sunset photo!

  4. Thaks, Lyn!! Jennie, your walk sounds lovely!! And yes, negative people do tend to make us weary!!

  5. Thanks,Sandra. Hard to leave it today.

  6. If we would let God's peace surround us, we would have a lot less stress. I need to remind myself daily.

  7. If we would let God's peace surround us, we would have a lot less stress. I need to remind myself daily.

  8. I wish I were near the ocean right now

  9. So true, Merrillee! Pam, I wish you could all visit me in Florida. The Silken Sands Conference is in March. Right near where I' ll be!! It's a great conference.


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