Saturday, August 31, 2013

FEATURED BOOK: A Place of Refuge by Janet Lee Barton

A Hero from Her Past 
If Kathleen O'Bryan were capable of trusting any man, it might be someone like Luke Patterson. She never expected to be reunited with the man that rescued her last summer. But when she arrives at Mrs. Heaton's boardinghouse, seeking refuge, it's the handsome writer who greets her at the door. 
Something about the lovely Irish immigrant stirs Luke's protective instincts. Life in New York's harsh tenements hasn't dimmed Kathleen's tender spirit. Day by day, Luke feels the walls around his heart crumble. But it will take faith on Kathleen's side, too, and the heart's power to recognize a real home at last….

Friday, August 30, 2013


The Craftie Ladies would like to set aside Fridays to acknowledge and celebrate the good things that are happening in our lives and we hope that you will join in and tell us about the blessings you have encountered as well.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

CAROL Finalist: Dana Mentink

So, Dana, what first made you pick up your pen (keyboard) and write a romance? 
We need more love in the world, don't you think? My first book was actually about an older woman who had lost her husband. It's a nutty little mystery with an off beat romance. It just sort of evolved that way somehow. I think every great story has an element of love in it. 
What led you to Harlequin's Love Inspired? 
Suspense was a good fit for me since it shares characteristics with mystery. I pitched a few times and was rejected until I got a letter asking me to rewrite which I did. That was dozens of books ago, so I guess it's still a good fit! 
How many books have your published? 
Hmmm, maybe 14 or 15 or so? There's a three in one chucked in there so I'm not sure if that counts. 
How many times have you entered the CAROL? 
Many times, but I've only finaled once before with my first book, Killer Cargo. 
What made this book stand out?
 It's a series about treasure hunters pursuing a priceless painting. Lots of excitement and danger, plenty of great moments in dark tunnels and such for a romance to develop. A fun roller coaster ride, but with some deeper themes such as mental illness.
What is your writing day like? 
I give the rooster a run for his money. Bang away on those keys well before dawn, is my aim! Then it's "get the bear cubs off to school time" followed by a few more hours of writing before they return. Two days a week I'm teaching third grade so I'm hanging out with young writers. Nothing more exciting than mentoring a gaggle of kids in writing. They are the greatest because they're not afraid to try new techniques. 
What can we expect to see next? 
I'm just finishing up a natural disaster series entitled Stormswept. Earthquakes, hurricanes and floods. Oh my!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wedding Mania

Hello!  Renee Ryan here.  My daughter got married this past weekend.  Instead of telling you all about the Big Day, I've decided to share some of the pictures I took with my iPhone.  ENJOY!

Here is a view from the aisle before she walked down to say her vows.

A closer view of the altar!
MOB and Bride before she walked down the aisle!
The very tiny wedding party.  HA!
Because I write historical romance...another view of the altar!
It was a blessed day!!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Book Club Fun!

L to R: Marsha, Debby, Gloria, Tamara, Lucille,
Phyllis, Bonnie and Toni (seated)
Debby Giusti here!

When Bonnie Fisher, a friend from church, told me her book club had chosen my last Love Inspired Suspense, THE GENERAL'S SECRETARY, for their August read, I was thrilled and even more so when she asked if I would join them last night when they discussed the book.

The ladies were so warm and welcoming. Phyllis, who keeps track of their reading selections, said that in the nine years since the book club had started, they’d never had an author at their meetings. Of course, I felt honored that they had read—and liked—my story and that they had invited me to spend the evening with them.
Carol (L) serves Toni (R)
We met in Toni’s lovely home and Carol served as hostess, ensuring our plates and glasses were filled.
L to R: Lucille, Tamara, Phyllis, Gloria, Carol, Bonnie and Marsha.
Look at the yummy treats Marsha prepared!

There was lots of laughter and good cheer as we talked about books and the types of stories we love to read. I told them about my journey to publication and my writing schedule now that I’m published as well as the process for submitting a proposal and then seeing a story through the editing stages to final copy.  We also talked about Christian publishing and Love Inspired’s success within the inspirational genre.

The evening passed too quickly, but they asked me to return another time, which I’d love to do. What writer wouldn’t want to gather with such charming ladies and talk about books and writing!

Thank you, Bonnie, for inviting me to your book club. I had a delightful time.

Tell me about the book clubs in your local area. As a writer, do you enjoy meeting with book club readers? As readers, do you often host authors at your monthly book club meetings?

Happy reading! Happy writing!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

By Debby Giusti

Someone wants Stephanie Upton dead. A warning to leave town is just the beginning. Fearing for her life, Stephanie turns to Special Agent Brody Goodman for help and protection. But can she trust him when he’s convinced her own brother is a prime suspect? Torn between her devotion to two men—an estranged brother whose trust she yearns to regain and an agent she may be falling for—Stephanie doesn’t know who or what to believe. As feelings between her and Brody escalate, she’ll have to choose sides to stay alive.

Pre-order now at Amazon

Monday, August 26, 2013

Life Is not a Race

Life Is Not a Race
By Margaret Daley

I read what Rick Warren said about having margins in your life. I thought about it a lot since then and realize how important that is. Having boundaries in your life means having breathing room, taking time to relax and enjoy life. Americans are too driven. We work more and sleep less. We are wearing out our bodies and mind. We run from one thing to the next.

I am going to work this year to put margins into my life. I know that situations change and some margins I plan will suddenly disappear but that’s what margins are for. If I have a book deadline and a family crisis happens, I hope that I have built in some extra time so I won’t panic on top of having to deal with the crisis. That just adds more stress on top of stress. And stress is not good for our bodies. I discovered that when I ended up in the emergency room with skyrocketing blood pressure.

So take time to breathe, enjoy life and put some boundaries in your life. Learn to say no when you need to.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hide and Seek Interview

Today we're welcoming Erica James the heroine of HIDE AND SEEK, written by LYNETTE EASON an August 2013 release by Love Inspired Suspense

Wow, you've just had quite an adventure. 

No Kidding!
1.  Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be in the midst of such suspense. My daughter was kidnapped three years ago. In my quest to find her, I went through a divorce and almost went bankrupt. I decided to start my own business called Finding the Lost. I trained and became a skiptracer. While I search for other peoples’ children, I also search for my little girl. A lead took me to a crack house and then someone tried to kill me. Things escalated from there. Thank goodness for Max Powell. He arrived at the right time and the right place and really helped me out.

2.  So, during the book you met Max Powell.  Tell us a bit about him.  What was your first impression?  When did you know it was love? My first impression was that he was desperate to find his sister. How much he loved her. We had that in common. We were both looking for someone we loved. Our friendship escalated and love just happened.
3.  What strengths/skills do you have? I’m usually confident enough to go after what I want. I’ve always been pretty successful in whatever I’ve gone after. What is your greatest weakness? Impatience probably. I try to be patient, I’m even forced to be patient sometimes and I really really hate it.        

4.  What scares you? The thought of never seeing my child again. It scares me so much I can’t even think about it for long periods of itme.  

5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? That I wouldn’t be so worried about earning my parents’ love back, but I can’t seem to help it. It’s something I’ve done since I was fourteen so I suppose it’s just my way of life now.

6.  Where are you in your faith at the start of your story? Leaning on God all the way. I never would have made it through the last three years without him. Not that I haven’t had my moments of doubt and frustration with him, but in my heart, I know he’s there and I know he has my best interests at the forefront of his mind.
7.  Where are you in your faith at the end of the story? I’m amazed at the blessings he’s bestowed on me and my family. And so very, very grateful to him.

8. You've got a scripture at the beginning of the story.  Tell us why this scripture is significant.  

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? – Matthew 6:26

It’s just a cool verse that speaks to me about how much God loves us, how much he values us. I’m sure when we put ourselves down or think we’re not worthy of his blessings, it hurts him. He wants to shower us with blessings and he wants us to believe in ourselves. I love that about God.

9. If you could be a dessert what would you be and why? Chocolate ice cream because it’s my daughter’s favorite. She actually kisses her ice cream cones. She makes me laugh.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

FEATURED BOOK: Hide and Seek by Lynette Eason

Erica James has spent the past three years as a skip tracer, hunting down others and hoping one day it will lead to her kidnapped daughter. Now she has a new suspect—Max Powell's missing sister. Max, a private investigator, has found evidence that connects the two missing girls, and together, he and Erica search for answers. The closer they get to finding answers, the stronger their feelings for each other become. But the kidnapper will stop at nothing—including murder—to keep them from finding Erica's daughter. 
Family Reunions: Bringing loved ones back together

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ask Elnora--About Saying Goodbye? Lenora Worth

Never can say goodbye. Remember that song by the Jackson Five? Elnora can't say goodbye either but I can say so long and farewell ... for now. I'm taking a break from blogging every Friday but I will still be on the Craftie Ladies schedule so I'll pop up when you least expect me! Like a bad penny or a dandelion that can't wait for spring.

We've had some memorable discussions here, mostly about books and shoes, of course! We've talked about plotting and bread pudding, chocolate and characters, settings and sedatives, suspense and suspenders (okay, maybe not suspenders but that just sounded so right.) We've talked about POV and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We've covered a lot of issues with a lot of tissues!

You've all been on many of my adventures with me and you all know way too much about Big Daddy!!! And I've learned a lot about our precious readers from all over the world. I met  my dear friend Olufisayo here and we've been pen pals for years now! She's working hard on her own publishing dreams and I'm very proud of that. I've talked to Aussie Jennie here and learned about her beautiful Australia! So many good times, but we never can say goodbye.

I've never been the kind of blogger who can write a term paper each week. I write what I feel and I write to make people laugh and ponder and wonder. And discuss and dissect and yes, digress. Sometimes digressing is the only expressing we can make! So I've had fun and now I've got to run.

But I'll be around (probably at  either the seashore or the shoe store!)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Craftie Carolers!

Craftie Carol Recipients and Finalists
*The Carol was formerly known as BOTY (Book of the Year)

Last Thursday we talked a little about what the CAROL was.  Today we'll do more than that.  Below, you'll see the Craftie Ladies who have won the CAROL as well as the many who have finaled.  I'd need a bigger blog to list the Craftie Ladies who have it on their bucket list to win.  Just keep in mind, i the next ten years you'll see more names because we're a writing bunch of women! 

2007: A Season for Grace by Linda Goodnight - contemporary
2007: Hearts on the Line by Margaret Daley– suspense  
2008: The Heart of Grace by Linda Goodnight – contemporary
2009: Broken Lullaby by Pamela Tracy - suspense
2011: Her Healing Ways by Lyn Cote - historical

2005: Ahab’s Bride by Louise M. Gouge – historical
2005: Good in the Fire by Margaret Daley – suspense
2006: My So-Called Love Life by Allie Pleiter – contemporary
2006: Strictly Confidential by Terri Reed - suspense
2006: Hannah’s Rose by Louise M. Gouge – historical
2006: Twas the Week Before Christmas by Lenora Worth - novella     
2006: A Place Called Home by Janet Lee Barton –contemporary
2007: No Place Like Home by Debra Clopton - contemporary  
2007: Her Christmas Protector by Terri Reed - suspense
2007: The Perfect Blend by Allie Pleiter – contemporary
2007: Son of Perdition by Louise M. Gouge - historical
2008: Fugitive Family by Pamela Tracy - suspense
2008: Bluegrass Hero by Allie Pleiter – contemporary
2008: The Cookie Jar by Janet Lee Barton - novella
2008: Buried Secrets by Margaret Daley – suspense
2008: Nowhere To Hide by Debby Giusti - suspense
2008: Heart of the Family by Margaret Daley - contemporary
2009: Forsaken Canyon by Margaret Daley – suspense
2009: Killer Cargo by Dana Mentink - suspense
2009: Countdown to Death by Debby Giusti - suspense
2009: Her Unlikely Family by Missy Tippens – contemporary
2009: Code of Honor  by Lenora Worth - suspense
2010: His Cowgirl Bride by Debra Clopton – contemporary
2010: Her Patchwork Family by Lyn Cote – contemporary
2010: A Mule Hollow Match by Debra Clopton – novella
2010: Christmas Homecoming – contemporary
2011: The Wedding Garden by Linda Goodnight – contemporary
2013: Lost Legacy by Dana Mentink – suspense
2013: Saving Hope by Margaret Daley – historical
2013: When a Heart Stops by Lynette Eason - suspense

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Favorite Historic Sites. Christine Johnson

I have a confession to make. I love historical markers and monuments, especially those big placards that tell what happened to make a site important. I’ve been known to veer off the highway when I see one.

National Parks passport
Summer is the time of year when I break out my Passport (to the U.S. National Parks) and set off in search of history.


At every U.S. national park (or monument) visitor center, I stamp the passport as proof I visited that site. The oldest stamp in my passport is from ten years ago. Do any of you have a National Parks passport?


Passport stamps
Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas is one of my favorites. This pre-Civil War era fort guarded the Straits of Florida and famously housed Dr. Samuel Mudd, the physician who was convicted for treating John Wilkes Booth’s broken leg after Booth shot President Abraham Lincoln.

Fort Jefferson in the Dry Tortugas

It's also way out to sea, 70 miles from Key West, and thus one of the more difficult parks to get to. The islands are called the Dry Tortugas because there's no fresh water. Drinking water was a huge issue there!
Wright Memorial at Kitty Hawk

Last summer I visited North Carolina’s Outer Banks and Kitty Hawk where the memorial to the Wright brothers’ first flight is located. After studying aviation history for my first novel, Soaring Home, I drank in the windswept dunes and reproduction of their plane.


This summer, I went to Glacier National Park in Montana, the setting for my third book, All Roads Lead Home. In fact, I just got back home yesterday. Those mountains in the background are on the continental divide. Whenever I’m there, I think of the settlers and trappers and explorers who passed through and the peoples for whom this has long been home. Those people had fortitude!

Have you visited any historic sites lately? What’s your favorite? I’m always looking for new and exciting places to visit.

Happy trails,

Christine Johnson
The Marriage Barter (May 2013)
Twitter: @ChristineJWrite


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What did you do this past weekend?

Terri Reed here. On Saturday I joined 1600 red heads in breaking the Guinness Book of World records for the most natural red heads in one place at the same time. Hop over to my website to see a few pictures.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to School

Deb Kastner here.  Hard to believe it's time to wave good-bye to summer say hello to another school year.  Truth be told, I'm looking forward to sitting outside on my deck and enjoying the mild weather while I write--at least until the snow starts flying.

My children are grown now, but back-to-school at our house was never about sending the kids out the door so I, Mom, could enjoy a little peace and quiet.  I homeschooled my three daughters, so back to school meant the end of lazy summer days and back to lesson plans and structure.

Even so, I always delighted in basking in the back-to-school supply aisles.  We weren't confined by the lists created by the local school district, so we bought what looked interesting.  We did a lot of projects during the early years, so tape, glue, colorful construction paper and glitter were high commodities.  Good days!

I have a secret.  I still love to shop for school supplies.  My writer's heart delights in stacks of spiral notebooks (college-bound with nice solid lines) bold, multi-colored gel ink pens, and most especially, those adorable little memo books I have strategically situated throughout my house and in my car and bag.  I never know when the answer to a sticky plot point or an especially interesting snippet of dialogue will pop up.  Those tiny notebooks are my lifesavers!

So what about you?  What is your favorite part of back-to-school?

Deb Kastner's August release from Harlequin Love Inspired is available now.
Click here to purchase.  The Soldier's Sweetheart

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Roping the Wrangler Interview

How exciting to have Sarah Hansen, the heroine from Roping the Wrangler written by Lacy Williams, an August 2013 release from Love Inspired Historical.

1.  Sarah, tell me the most interesting thing about you.

Sarah: I’m a schoolteacher—

Cecilia: That ain’t interesting. 

A little girl peeks around the corner.

Sarah: Don’t say ‘ain’t.’

A giggle reveals a second little girl. Both have dark hair and dancing eyes.

Susie: But Miz Sarah, they asked what was interestin’ about you, and that’s jest your job.

Sarah: (sighs) These are some of my students. Cecilia is eleven, her sister Susie is eight. And they also have a baby sister, Velma.

On Cecilia’s hip, Velma coos.

Sarah: Girls, if you don’t think being a schoolteacher is interesting, then what is?

Susie: Why, you sparkin’ the Horseman.

Sarah (blushes) Oscar White and I are not courting.

Cecilia: That ain’t what we heard.

Sarah: Don’t say ‘ain’t.’ 

2.  What do you put off doing because you dread it?

Cecilia: (snickers) Facin’ off with the big boys.

Sarah: That’s not true. If discipline is needed, I do what I must.

Cecilia: (whispers to the side) She’s afraid to whup that Junior Allen ‘cause he’ll tattle to his daddy—head of the school board. 

Susie: (nods emphatically)

Sarah: (exasperated) Girls.

3.  What are you most afraid of?

Cecilia, Susie: (together) Horses!

Sarah: (laughs, ruffles their hair affectionately) It’s true. They frighten me. 

Susie: So how’d you end up with a beau that’s got horses as his job?

Sarah: I told you, Oscar and I are not courting.

4.  What do you want out of life?

Susie: That’s easy.

Cecilia: Yeah! Everybody ‘round these parts knows Miz Sarah wants to catch herself a husband.

Sarah: Girls!

Susie: It’s true, ain’t it?

Sarah: Don’t say ‘ain’t.’ And yes, I want to marry someday, but only when I meet the right man.

Cecilia: Like the Horseman?

Sarah: Not like Oscar. I’m not interested in marrying a cowboy.

Susie: Why not? He ain’t bad to look at.

Cecilia: Rumor is, he’s got his own place back home in Bear Creek.

Sarah: I don’t want to fall in love with someone who has such a dangerous occupation. The Horseman travels all over to participate in cowboy exhibitions—bronc riding and the like! What if he was hurt? 

5.  What is the most important thing to you?

Sarah: My students. (she slides an arm around each of the girls’ shoulders, hugging them lightly) I want the best for my students in the classroom, and also outside of the classroom, in their homes.

Cecilia: (leans forward to share a confidence) She means she’s nosy. Likes to pry into our business.

Sarah: (sighs)

6.  Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?

Susie: Reckon Miz Sarah cain’t rightly have a pet. She boards with them Allens on their ranch outside-a town.

Cecilia: Yessir, it’d be mighty hard to keep a kittie or somethin’ when you’ve got to share a room and bed with someone else. We should know. All three of us sleep in the same bed.

Susie: And Velma wiggles 

Cecilia: Well, you kick.

Susie: Do not!

Cecilia: Do too!

Sarah: Girls, please. No, I don’t have a pet.

7. Can you tell us a little interesting tidbit about the time period you live in?

Sarah: In a one-room schoolhouse in this era, schoolteachers are expected to do practically everything for the school.

Susie: That’s true. I seen ya get to the school when it’s dark ‘n early to start the stove. 

Cecilia: And stay late to grade our work and clean up the room.

Susie: And remember that one time she had to fix the broken step?

Cecilia: Yup, she hammered away all during our lunch break, she did.

Sarah: (blushes)Yes, well, thank you for that, girls. And thank you for imposing on—I mean, being a part of my interview today.

Read more about Sarah and the girls in ROPING THE WRANGLER.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

FEATURED BOOK: Roping the Wrangler by Lacy Williams

Teacher Seeks a Husband 
Schoolmarm Sarah Hansen longs for a family of her own. But horse trainer Oscar White is the last man she'd consider. Still, she can't help noticing the care he shows three motherless girls and the gentle way he helps Sarah overcome her fear of horses. 
Too bossy by half—that's the Sarah that Oscar remembers from their teenage years. Yet as a former orphan, he finds the little Caldwell sisters—and their pretty teacher—getting under his skin. Could the tender heart Sarah's always hidden tame a once-reckless wrangler?

Friday, August 16, 2013

Ask Elnora--About ACFW??? Lenora Worth

Hello, my lovely friends. September is a good month. My daughter was born in September and fall comes in September. It kind of slinks in on those last rays of summer sun and plays around, a leaf falling here, a burst of crisp clean air there. You feel a hint of change in the air.  September is the beginning of the end of the year, the winding down of all the rebirth and growth we get to enjoy and then the world goes quiet and turns into brilliant colors that allow the good earth and the natural world to take a rest and go dormant. But there is another reason I love September and that is the American Christian Fiction Writers Annual Conference!

This year, it will be held September 13 -- 15 in Indianapolis, Indiana. It is the best conference for anyone who is interested in writing. Yes, I know it's technically a conference for Christian writers but good writing is good writing and you can learn how to be a good writer at this conference. But it's very different from some big conferences. At ACFW, we begin each day with a worship service and praise singing and lots of prayers. It's a loving, open, giving place where people's lives really do change. There are so many people in this world who have stories to tell and they hurt to put their words to paper. This is the place for such people.

I know that not everyone who attends will go home and write a book. For some, it will be a lifetime struggle and for others, it will be a dream realized. Writing is a hard business. We start with a blank page and we try to fill it and hundreds of pages with words that are woven together into a story. It's not an easy task, no matter what anyone has told us. But at ACFW, we use The Word to help us figure out our words. It's a good place to start.

If you haven't been to ACFW, if you haven't heard of ACFW, if you have a story in your heart and a dream in your head, then today is your lucky day. Elnora is encouraging you to check out this conference. If not this year, work toward going next year. (The hotel fills up and I'm telling you this rather late, but I just want everyone to be aware.) If you can't go to the conference, try joining ACFW and work you way from there. September is about letting go but it's also about blossoming into something wonderful come spring. It's Elnora's job to spread hope to those out there who might not be sure. Be sure and be assured, ACFW means business--the Lord's business and the writing business. Oh, and you can wear fabulous shoes, too, of course :)))

Thursday, August 15, 2013


For the last few months, every Thursday, we featured an inspirational finalist's book for the RITA.  In the secular writing world, that's an Emmy.  Here on the Craftie Ladies' site, we had Missy Tippens in the running, and we were all rooting for her.  "Go, Missy" was our chant.

For a night, she was a princess.

The Christian writing world has an award for outstanding writing, too.  It's called the CAROL.  The CAROL is the American Christian Fiction Writers' award for best Christian fiction publishing by traditional publishing houses.

It's a "Hey, you nailed it!"

The CAROL is name after the editor who 'discovered' Janette Oke.

The Craftie Ladies have three members in the running:

Dana Mentink for Lost Legacy
Margaret Daley for Saving Hope
Lynette Eason for When a Heart Stops

We are so proud of you ladies!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Lyn Cote Here-Are you on GoodReads? Pinterest? Heard of Book Bundles?

Lyn Cote here--THE BABY BEQUEST is the 2nd book in my Wilderness Brides series, set in Pepin WI in 1869-1871. 

This is the series that I set in Pepin because that was the birthplace of Laura Ingalls Wilder and the setting for THE LITTLE HOUSE IN THE BIG WOODS. 

My heroine is the new schoolmarm and the hero is a German immigrant. If you're on GoodReads don't miss my giveaway, which will end August 31st.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Baby Bequest by Lyn Cote

The Baby Bequest

by Lyn Cote

Giveaway ends August 31, 2013.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

And now for PINTEREST
 Also if you'd like to see what images inspired the cover--WHICH I THINK IS OUTSTANDING! Click this link to my board on Pinterest. (You don't have to be a member to view either.) 

  To purchase, click here. The Baby Bequest (Love Inspired Historical) 

 And finally something new-book bundles. Available on Kindle--buy all 4 in one bundle!  

So are you on GoodReads or Pinterest? Or Facebook? Why or why not? And would you buy a bundle?--Lyn

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