Monday, August 19, 2013

Back to School

Deb Kastner here.  Hard to believe it's time to wave good-bye to summer say hello to another school year.  Truth be told, I'm looking forward to sitting outside on my deck and enjoying the mild weather while I write--at least until the snow starts flying.

My children are grown now, but back-to-school at our house was never about sending the kids out the door so I, Mom, could enjoy a little peace and quiet.  I homeschooled my three daughters, so back to school meant the end of lazy summer days and back to lesson plans and structure.

Even so, I always delighted in basking in the back-to-school supply aisles.  We weren't confined by the lists created by the local school district, so we bought what looked interesting.  We did a lot of projects during the early years, so tape, glue, colorful construction paper and glitter were high commodities.  Good days!

I have a secret.  I still love to shop for school supplies.  My writer's heart delights in stacks of spiral notebooks (college-bound with nice solid lines) bold, multi-colored gel ink pens, and most especially, those adorable little memo books I have strategically situated throughout my house and in my car and bag.  I never know when the answer to a sticky plot point or an especially interesting snippet of dialogue will pop up.  Those tiny notebooks are my lifesavers!

So what about you?  What is your favorite part of back-to-school?

Deb Kastner's August release from Harlequin Love Inspired is available now.
Click here to purchase.  The Soldier's Sweetheart


  1. Oh, I love school supplies too. Especially pens! I'm always buying the 12 packs which promise smooth writing.

    Notebooks are a weakness, too. yup

  2. I love paper...and sticky notes...and tablets...and memo books...and pens...and 3x5 cards...and...

    Are all writers alike?

    Anyone out there who doesn't enjoy paper products?

  3. I have little notebooks of all kinds. I have more pencils than I can ever use. When we moved recently, I threw away dozens of pens that I dried up before I ever had a chance to use them. The school supplies call to me as much as the book aisle.

  4. Stuffing my stocking is easy for my kids to do--they load up this time of year and enjoy me crowing in delight over all the goodies come Christmas.

  5. LOL, Deb!

    My daughter always puts sticky notes in my Christmas stocking...a gift I love to receive! :)

  6. I'm giggling as I'm reading all these comments. Love knowing that others are also delighted with assorted school supplies and paper products!
    Thanks for sharing this post, Deb.
    Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo

  7. P.S. Meant to add that I really like the cover of your August LI release, and plan on picking up a copy this week! :)

  8. Thank you, Cat. Glad you liked the post and hope you enjoy The Soldier's Sweetheart!

  9. Deb, I'm a nut for browsing the office supply store! I, too, love colorful pens. :)

    We always have fun getting school supplies for the kids, too.


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