Friday, August 30, 2013


The Craftie Ladies would like to set aside Fridays to acknowledge and celebrate the good things that are happening in our lives and we hope that you will join in and tell us about the blessings you have encountered as well.


  1. My husband was offered a job change at work that will make his work more fulfilling -- and on a better schedule. He works with developmentally challenged adults.

  2. I'm thankful that my daughter and son in law, who are on their way out west, have made it safely to Regina. They will stop there for a day before going on to Edmonton.
    My daughter is pursuing her masters in oral biology, and my son-in-law his masters in religious studies and Christian counseling. I'm so proud of both of them. And thankful for them.

  3. My youngest two children are off to Australia today! Thankful they're both feeling well as last weekend we couldn't say that.

  4. I am so grateful for caring healthcare professionals. This week I experienced symptoms of retinal detachment in my left eye. This runs in my family, so I got a little nervous. My eye doctor saw me that day and eased my concerns. He also said I should call him day or night, weekend or holiday, if the symptoms worsened. That kind of selfless dedication brings tears of gratitude every time I think of it. Today I want to thank all the healthcare professionals who give up their holidays and weekends to help others in their time of need. May God bless you!

  5. I'm thankful for my children, who bring light and laughter into my life . . . even if sometimes that life and laughter comes with some really big messes!

  6. You all have some amazing things to share today!

    I'm thankful today that my son is adjusting to his first couple of weeks of college so well. And seems to be having a lot of fun (hopefully not TOO much!). :)

  7. I am thankful that I've had a good work week and finished the novella I've been working on. Today, I'm thankful for God's beautiful earth. I'm sitting on my screen porch enjoying the breeze and getting some work done. I'm thankful for doctors who can help us when we're afraid. One good thing--all of you!!

  8. I'm thankful for so many things that it's hard to pick. But for today, I'm thankful for the lovely ladies I played tennis with today. We hit the courts at 7AM.

  9. All three of my daughters moved to new lodgings this week. I'm very thankful that the moves went without a hitch and that we are all able to relax and take a deep breath!!

  10. I'm thankful that my son and his wife were able to spend a week with us at the lake and the weather was pretty good!


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