Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Book Club Fun!

L to R: Marsha, Debby, Gloria, Tamara, Lucille,
Phyllis, Bonnie and Toni (seated)
Debby Giusti here!

When Bonnie Fisher, a friend from church, told me her book club had chosen my last Love Inspired Suspense, THE GENERAL'S SECRETARY, for their August read, I was thrilled and even more so when she asked if I would join them last night when they discussed the book.

The ladies were so warm and welcoming. Phyllis, who keeps track of their reading selections, said that in the nine years since the book club had started, they’d never had an author at their meetings. Of course, I felt honored that they had read—and liked—my story and that they had invited me to spend the evening with them.
Carol (L) serves Toni (R)
We met in Toni’s lovely home and Carol served as hostess, ensuring our plates and glasses were filled.
L to R: Lucille, Tamara, Phyllis, Gloria, Carol, Bonnie and Marsha.
Look at the yummy treats Marsha prepared!

There was lots of laughter and good cheer as we talked about books and the types of stories we love to read. I told them about my journey to publication and my writing schedule now that I’m published as well as the process for submitting a proposal and then seeing a story through the editing stages to final copy.  We also talked about Christian publishing and Love Inspired’s success within the inspirational genre.

The evening passed too quickly, but they asked me to return another time, which I’d love to do. What writer wouldn’t want to gather with such charming ladies and talk about books and writing!

Thank you, Bonnie, for inviting me to your book club. I had a delightful time.

Tell me about the book clubs in your local area. As a writer, do you enjoy meeting with book club readers? As readers, do you often host authors at your monthly book club meetings?

Happy reading! Happy writing!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

By Debby Giusti

Someone wants Stephanie Upton dead. A warning to leave town is just the beginning. Fearing for her life, Stephanie turns to Special Agent Brody Goodman for help and protection. But can she trust him when he’s convinced her own brother is a prime suspect? Torn between her devotion to two men—an estranged brother whose trust she yearns to regain and an agent she may be falling for—Stephanie doesn’t know who or what to believe. As feelings between her and Brody escalate, she’ll have to choose sides to stay alive.

Pre-order now at Amazon


  1. Debby, I've only done one book club. My daughter's book club discussed my book, HOMETOWN DAD. My daughter requested that I make my homemade pizza for them. It was a fun experience.

  2. How fun that you cooked for them, Merrillee! :)

    I took a few little goodies for everyone, which they seemed to like.

    Each book club I've attended has been delightful, and the ladies are always so welcoming!

  3. Sounds like a fun evening. I tried to get a book club going here but no takers.
    I am on a couple of online ones which are fun if I have read the book.
    Would love to actually go to one and interact with authors too.
    Im still reading the colonel's Daughter and loving it (I read better when its sunny).

  4. Thanks, Jenny. Glad you like the story.

    I had hoped you would invite me to an Aussie book club. Now wouldn't that be fun! :)

    They're so popular here!

    Would love to see you again.

    Hugs and love!

  5. Wish you could come here too. They are popular here in some places. I know Rel from Relz Reviewz has a book club and a friends daughter in law goes to one in the city. Got to read more today and loving the book (just cant work out how a person who is challenged when it comes to spelling is meant to work out how to spell colonel when it sounds like there should be an r in it and no l. if you sound it out it doesn't sound liek colonel!)

  6. Looks like a delightful evening, and I'm sure those ladies were thrilled to have you visit, Debby!

    I've never been part of a book club, but keep hearing lots of positive comments about them. Not sure if there are any in my area---hmmm...maybe I could start one. ;)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  7. Patti Jo,

    You would be the perfect hostess, serving lots of peach goodies, no doubt!

    Can't wait to see you at ACFW!


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