Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hide and Seek Interview

Today we're welcoming Erica James the heroine of HIDE AND SEEK, written by LYNETTE EASON an August 2013 release by Love Inspired Suspense

Wow, you've just had quite an adventure. 

No Kidding!
1.  Tell us a little about yourself and how you came to be in the midst of such suspense. My daughter was kidnapped three years ago. In my quest to find her, I went through a divorce and almost went bankrupt. I decided to start my own business called Finding the Lost. I trained and became a skiptracer. While I search for other peoples’ children, I also search for my little girl. A lead took me to a crack house and then someone tried to kill me. Things escalated from there. Thank goodness for Max Powell. He arrived at the right time and the right place and really helped me out.

2.  So, during the book you met Max Powell.  Tell us a bit about him.  What was your first impression?  When did you know it was love? My first impression was that he was desperate to find his sister. How much he loved her. We had that in common. We were both looking for someone we loved. Our friendship escalated and love just happened.
3.  What strengths/skills do you have? I’m usually confident enough to go after what I want. I’ve always been pretty successful in whatever I’ve gone after. What is your greatest weakness? Impatience probably. I try to be patient, I’m even forced to be patient sometimes and I really really hate it.        

4.  What scares you? The thought of never seeing my child again. It scares me so much I can’t even think about it for long periods of itme.  

5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? That I wouldn’t be so worried about earning my parents’ love back, but I can’t seem to help it. It’s something I’ve done since I was fourteen so I suppose it’s just my way of life now.

6.  Where are you in your faith at the start of your story? Leaning on God all the way. I never would have made it through the last three years without him. Not that I haven’t had my moments of doubt and frustration with him, but in my heart, I know he’s there and I know he has my best interests at the forefront of his mind.
7.  Where are you in your faith at the end of the story? I’m amazed at the blessings he’s bestowed on me and my family. And so very, very grateful to him.

8. You've got a scripture at the beginning of the story.  Tell us why this scripture is significant.  

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? – Matthew 6:26

It’s just a cool verse that speaks to me about how much God loves us, how much he values us. I’m sure when we put ourselves down or think we’re not worthy of his blessings, it hurts him. He wants to shower us with blessings and he wants us to believe in ourselves. I love that about God.

9. If you could be a dessert what would you be and why? Chocolate ice cream because it’s my daughter’s favorite. She actually kisses her ice cream cones. She makes me laugh.

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