Thursday, August 15, 2013


For the last few months, every Thursday, we featured an inspirational finalist's book for the RITA.  In the secular writing world, that's an Emmy.  Here on the Craftie Ladies' site, we had Missy Tippens in the running, and we were all rooting for her.  "Go, Missy" was our chant.

For a night, she was a princess.

The Christian writing world has an award for outstanding writing, too.  It's called the CAROL.  The CAROL is the American Christian Fiction Writers' award for best Christian fiction publishing by traditional publishing houses.

It's a "Hey, you nailed it!"

The CAROL is name after the editor who 'discovered' Janette Oke.

The Craftie Ladies have three members in the running:

Dana Mentink for Lost Legacy
Margaret Daley for Saving Hope
Lynette Eason for When a Heart Stops

We are so proud of you ladies!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I don't know why it duplicated and then deleted. But bravo, Dana, Lynette and Margaret!

  4. We are so proud of our Carol Award Nominees. I will be there cheering for all of you!!!!


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