Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Craftie Carolers!

Craftie Carol Recipients and Finalists
*The Carol was formerly known as BOTY (Book of the Year)

Last Thursday we talked a little about what the CAROL was.  Today we'll do more than that.  Below, you'll see the Craftie Ladies who have won the CAROL as well as the many who have finaled.  I'd need a bigger blog to list the Craftie Ladies who have it on their bucket list to win.  Just keep in mind, i the next ten years you'll see more names because we're a writing bunch of women! 

2007: A Season for Grace by Linda Goodnight - contemporary
2007: Hearts on the Line by Margaret Daley– suspense  
2008: The Heart of Grace by Linda Goodnight – contemporary
2009: Broken Lullaby by Pamela Tracy - suspense
2011: Her Healing Ways by Lyn Cote - historical

2005: Ahab’s Bride by Louise M. Gouge – historical
2005: Good in the Fire by Margaret Daley – suspense
2006: My So-Called Love Life by Allie Pleiter – contemporary
2006: Strictly Confidential by Terri Reed - suspense
2006: Hannah’s Rose by Louise M. Gouge – historical
2006: Twas the Week Before Christmas by Lenora Worth - novella     
2006: A Place Called Home by Janet Lee Barton –contemporary
2007: No Place Like Home by Debra Clopton - contemporary  
2007: Her Christmas Protector by Terri Reed - suspense
2007: The Perfect Blend by Allie Pleiter – contemporary
2007: Son of Perdition by Louise M. Gouge - historical
2008: Fugitive Family by Pamela Tracy - suspense
2008: Bluegrass Hero by Allie Pleiter – contemporary
2008: The Cookie Jar by Janet Lee Barton - novella
2008: Buried Secrets by Margaret Daley – suspense
2008: Nowhere To Hide by Debby Giusti - suspense
2008: Heart of the Family by Margaret Daley - contemporary
2009: Forsaken Canyon by Margaret Daley – suspense
2009: Killer Cargo by Dana Mentink - suspense
2009: Countdown to Death by Debby Giusti - suspense
2009: Her Unlikely Family by Missy Tippens – contemporary
2009: Code of Honor  by Lenora Worth - suspense
2010: His Cowgirl Bride by Debra Clopton – contemporary
2010: Her Patchwork Family by Lyn Cote – contemporary
2010: A Mule Hollow Match by Debra Clopton – novella
2010: Christmas Homecoming – contemporary
2011: The Wedding Garden by Linda Goodnight – contemporary
2013: Lost Legacy by Dana Mentink – suspense
2013: Saving Hope by Margaret Daley – historical
2013: When a Heart Stops by Lynette Eason - suspense


  1. Wow, that's quite a list! Thanks for compiling it, Pamela!

  2. I am honored to be in such fine company! Thank you for posting!

  3. Congratulations to all of the Carol Award winners and finalists past and present.

  4. What a list! Congratulations to you all!


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