Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Allie Pleiter shares a holiday recipe her heroine would enjoy

It’s always fun to have a holiday book out at Christmastime.  My “A Ranger for the Holidays” is no exception.  I have loved being part of the Lone Star Cowboy League series, and am especially proud that this book has been nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award and received an RT Top Pick.  Amelia and Finn have been through a lot to get to their happy ending—they deserve a bit of recognition.  And we certainly can’t forget the true star of the book, Amelia’s lovable pug Bug.

Amelia loves the holidays even if Finn can’t yet understand why they bother him so. Given how she is “of the opinion that pie makes everything better”—an opinion I heartily endorse—I like to think Amelia would have enjoyed my favorite holiday recipe.  That’s why I’m sharing it with you.  It’s from the Trim Healthy Mama eating program, so it’s a sweet that’s good for you (my favorite kind!).

Cranberry Pie

1/2 cup oat fiber (I occasionally cheat and just use oats I’ve ground up in the blender)
3 eggs
2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
1/4 tsp Xanthum gum (optional)
1/2 cup stevia blend (I use Truvia)
pinch of sea salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup or 1 stick butter
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 tsp vanilla extract
whipped cream for topping (my personal addition!)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Cut the stick of butter into small chunks and put into a mixing bowl with all the other ingredients except the cranberries.  This is easiest if the butter is soft.
  3. Combine all ingredients really well (mushing with hands works best but is rather messy).
  4. Add cranberries and mix again.
  5. Put mixture into a well-greased pie dish.
  6. Bake on middle or high rack for 30-40 minutes

It makes a great treat, a good choice to bring to a holiday party, or my favorite time to eat pie: breakfast!  Enjoy, and Merry Christmas from the Pleiter household!


  1. So, I'm following along, but what is Xanthum gum, and can I buy it at Safeway?

  2. Allie, you know I love pie!! Must try this!!


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