Wednesday, August 28, 2019

From Sea to Shining Sea, by Carol J. Post

I am currently plotting a new series. One of the things I love about starting a new book or series is visiting and researching the setting. There are so many intriguing and beautiful places across the US. I live in Florida but also spend a lot of time at my sister’s place in North Carolina, so until now, all of my stories have taken place in one of those two states.

Last April, my sister and I flew out to North Bend, Washington and visited friends. On our way back to the Seattle airport, I got a call from my agent who said that Love Inspired wanted me to write a story for the Baby Protectors series. When she finished telling me all the requirements, she said, “They also want the story set in a western state…kind of like where you are right now!” I said if I could use North Bend, Washington for my setting, I would do it. Of course, that was going to involve another trip out west since we were already en route home.

When I got back to Florida, I set to work with Google and the zillions of pictures I had taken. One place that just had to make it into my story was the summit at Snoqualmie Pass.
Selfie against a background of snow
Me, my friend Nicole and my sister Kim

Even though it was April, our friend Nicole was keeping an eye on the weather and telling us how dangerous Snoqualmie Pass gets when snow comes in, which happens even that late in the year. After determining it was safe, we made the trip up to the west summit where we drove through a resort area with street names like Ober Strasse and Unterstrasse, and Swiss-style homes jutting up through a deep blanket of snow.
Home partially hidden by six-foot tall snow banks
Fortunately, the plow had come through, making the streets drivable. Besides being breathtakingly beautiful, it was the perfect location to have my hero and heroine and little niece snowed in and trapped when the bad guys come to get them!


Gazebo at Railroad Community Park, Snoqualmie

Another site I wanted to use was the Railroad Community Park in downtown Snoqualmie, which is one of the stops on the scenic train ride. The gazebo there seemed like a romantic place for a marriage proposal. Although I loved the park, we didn’t have time for the train ride on the first trip, so that was going to be a must-do for our follow-up trip.

By the time my sister and I returned in September, I had Dangerous Relations mostly written. Then it was time to revisit places I’d been in April to make sure I had all the details right, besides deciding on other things, like the perfect location for my heroine’s diner, the path the hero takes when trying to chase down the villain, and the hero’s housing accommodations near Naval Base Kitsap, where he’s stationed. (My sister’s military ID got us onto the base.)

Sis with her goodies
When we stopped at Vanity Fair, where the hero and heroine stop to pick up some things on their way out of town, we had to hit the clearance racks! 

During our September trip, we made time for the North Bend/Snoqualmie train excursion, which stopped at an interesting railway museum with exhibits and dozens of old railroad cars. The route made a loop, starting and ending at the Railroad Community Park we had visited in April. 

100-year-old passenger coach

Apples growing wild along the tracks

Looking down over Snoqualmie River Valley from the train

The series I’m working on now is set near Pensacola, Florida. I don’t have mountains, waterfalls and snow to work with, but beaches, rivers and bayous have their own beauty. And danger, especially if I throw in a hurricane, gators and a couple of bad guys!

What are some places you think would make a good setting for a Love Inspired Suspense novel or series? Any places you've been that you've fallen in love with?

Dangerous Relations is releasing September 1. You can check it out here:

Amazon    Barnes and Noble    Harlequin

He’ll do anything to save his niece…

In this The Baby Protectors novel

When her sister’s murdered, navy man Ryan McConnell insists on protecting Shelby Adair and their niece—especially after someone tries to kidnap little Chloe. But can Shelby trust the child’s uncle? After all, she’s convinced his family’s behind the attacks. But the longer Ryan shields them, the more Shelby wonders if becoming a forever family is their only shot at survival.

Carol J. Post splits her time between sunshiny Central Florida and beautiful Murphy, North Carolina. She writes fun and fast-paced inspirational romance and romantic suspense. Her books have won two Royal Palm Literary Awards and been nominated for two RITA® awards and an RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award. Besides writing, she works alongside her music minister husband singing and playing the piano. She also enjoys sailing, hiking, camping—almost anything outdoors. Her two grown daughters and grandkids live too far away for her liking, so she now pours all that nurturing into taking care of two sassy black cats.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Empty Nester by Laura Scott

Good morning! My post today is about finally being an empty nester! Last year about this time, my daughter married a wonderful man (no grandkids yet) and I was so happy for them. This year, my big news is that my son has finally moved out of our home.
I happen to be one of those parents who is more than ready for this change. My son (bless his heart) was my problem child. He had a very long path to getting his act together with first finding a stable job, then attending college part time, then full time in order to obtain his nursing degree. Mind you, I’m extremely proud of what he’s accomplished (even if it did take him a very long time) and am thrilled he took after me in going into nursing. In fact, he is an awesome nurse and often receives accolades from his patients and coworkers.  Here's a picture of me putting his RN pin on!

Yet what is it with young people these days? When I was his age, I was already married and living on my own. Not that I think he’s ready for marriage, sigh. But still, I moved out the moment I graduated from nursing school, even before I was married. Lived on my own for several years before I met and married my husband. Always strove to be independent from my parents.
Not so much with my son, and I from what I’m hearing I’m not alone. For the past year my son has been living with us and working full time, helping out on occasion but not very driven to get a place of his own. I mean, come on. He’s twenty-eight years old! Frankly I had to give him an ultimatum earlier this year, move out by fall or get kicked out. Sounds harsh, doesn’t it? I love him, but how is he ever going to be independent, meet a nice girl and live his own life if he continues staying with us? 
The shocker in all of this is that once he found a small house ideal for him, he grew very excited about the whole process. He learned all about buying a house and owning a home. He managed his own mortgage process, insurance, and utilities. He closed on his new place August 16thand is now officially all moved in. Here's Jon standing outside his new house.
The house is quieter now with less dirty dishes lying around, and I miss hearing about how his work shifts are going. But I don’t’ miss having him here. Does that make me a bad parent? I hope not. I hope this is my way of setting him up for success.
So what do you think? Happy Empty Nester? Or would you prefer to live with your young adults? I’m interested to hear what others have gone through. 
Oh, and if you are interested in a sweet romance story, To Believe, the fifth book in my McNally series is available for preorder now, on sale as of Sept. 1st

Yours in faith, Laura Scott

Monday, August 26, 2019

Back to the Beach and an early release giveaway.

Hola! Jolene Navarro here, checking in from my back porch in the Texas Hill Country. This morning I had to stop as I rushed through the kitchen on my way out the door. The sun threw unreal colors across the sky. The oranges and purples had me in awe of the world God created for us. 
I wanted to settle in and write, but it's the first week of school and I had to get to work. 
I did take a picture so I could try and capture it with watercolors in the studio. If you didn't know I teach art in San Antonio. I have the best of both worlds.

I try and do the same thing in my writing. Take the images from the real world that inspire me and share them with the reader. I want them to see the world that I see as I write. For us to share the dream.

The Texan's Surprise Return, the second book in the series of The Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch will be out Oct 15. It's available for pre-order now.   

The series takes place around a ranch on the Texas Coast. One of my favorite places to visit.
Last time we were there the weather was moody, with dark skies. We had the beach to ourselves as we walked. We even found a sealed bottle with a message inside. 
It was from the Cayman Islands but they had not included a date or their names.

That had me thinking of all sorts of story ideas. 

There is so much inspiration for art and writing on the beach.

This is a mix of manmade items tangles with nature. 

His greatest Christmas gifts…

“Is that you? You’re…you’re 
alive.”An unforgettable family reunion for the holidays.

For three years, Xavier De La Rosa’s family thought he was dead. Now Xavier is back home in Texas for Christmas, and finds a wife he can’t remember and adorable triplets he never knew existed. Can Xavier reclaim his memories and the love he left behind…before he returns to the job that nearly killed him?

 This is my first amnesia story and my first story with triplets. They were so fun to research. I have several sets of twins in my life but I only know one couple that had triplets. These boys stole my heart. Especially the youngest, Oliver. (he is also named after one of my students. :) )

The Texan's Promise next in the series.

This is Belle De La Rosa's story. She has been the one that stayed on the ranch to hold it together.  She's raising two daughters on her own, like she has done everything else in life.  Quinn, the single father of twin girls and a young son, moves to the ranch and shakes up her world. 

It's available for preorder and will be in stores Feb 18. 2020. Cover coming soon. 

Sometimes finding common ground is easier said than done…

He’s in town on a mission…Will she change his mind?

When a lightning storm lands Quinn Sinclair on single mom Belle De La Rosa’s ranch, she finds herself drawn to the handsome conservationist and his children. Belle isn’t looking for love—not while she’s trying to sell part of her ranch to developers to stay afloat. But when she discovers that Quinn’s purpose in town is to stop the sale, can she trust him…with her heart?

Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch

This story was inspired by the work that is being done to protect the coastal lands that run 400 miles along Texas.

Texas is home to many endangered marine species. There are four types of turtles that call it home at least one time out of the year. 
So The Texan's Surprise Return is an amnesia story with triplets and The Texan's Promise is an enemy to lover's theme with a blended family.  

Is there a story type you get excited about as soon as you see the blurb? 

Tell me your favorite theme and you could win a copy of The Texan's Secret Daughter or an early copy of The Texan's Surprise Return...your choice. 

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Sunday Scripture

Stefan Lochner, Last Judgment, c. 1435, Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne,
Germany. [PD-US]

Jesus passed through towns and villages,
teaching as he went and making his way to Jerusalem. 
Someone asked him,
"Lord, will only a few people be saved?" 
He answered them,
"Strive to enter through the narrow gate,
for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter
but will not be strong enough. 
After the master of the house has arisen and locked the door,
then will you stand outside knocking and saying,
'Lord, open the door for us.'
He will say to you in reply,
'I do not know where you are from.
And you will say,
'We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets.'
Then he will say to you,
'I do not know where you are from. 
Depart from me, all you evildoers!'
And there will be wailing and grinding of teeth
when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
and all the prophets in the kingdom of God
and you yourselves cast out.
And people will come from the east and the west
and from the north and the south
and will recline at table in the kingdom of God. 
For behold, some are last who will be first,
and some are first who will be last."
Luke 13:22-30

Friday, August 23, 2019

Strong and of Good Courage by Katy Lee

Arabic word for COURAGE

My bags are packed. My itinerary is printed. My passport says I'm good to go. In just two days, I will embark on the trip of a lifetime. When my plane lands, I will be in Israel. I will walk where my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ put down his footsteps and changed the course of this world by teaching on the amazing Kingdom of God.

The message was radical. The message was life-changing. The message brought hope to a fallen and dark world. What we see is not all there is. Not for those who love God with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their mind. It was a message of victory over evil.

But wait! There's more! With Jesus, God of abundance, there is always more. Jesus spoke on and said...

"This [loving God] is the first and great commandment. And the second is, you shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Jesus wants us to share his message of hope for more. But that message starts with love.

Which brings me to the reason for leaving my home to go so very far away. On the other side of the world there is a group of Arabic Christian women awaiting our arrival. These women live in a land where they face the darkness of this world daily. Atrocities, persecution, and injustices just to name a few. The messages of hope and love are for them too. But my group and I are also bringing them messages of empowerment and leadership skills. Tools to assist them in their circumstances.

And with all this comes the message of courage. I am putting my feet down first and answering the call to go. God's word tells us to be strong and courageous. That He goes with us wherever we go. It is my prayer, these women will see my decision to believe God and take Him at His word . . . and find what they need to believe Jesus's message is for them as well.

Peace and Blessings,
Katy Lee

Katy Lee has published eighteen novels, including her Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense books. She calls her thrilling mysteries and romances “Higher purpose stories at high speed suspense.” Two of her books have been nominated for both the Romance Writers of America’s RITA® Award and the Daphne du Maurier Award for excellence in mystery. Katy has won an Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award and Selah Award for her 2016 Romantic Suspense Blindsided. A native New Englander, Katy loves to knit warm wooly things while she plots her next suspense story.  You can connect with Katy at her website: and Facebook, Katyleebooks and Instagram katyleeauthor

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Major Richard "Dick" Winters, Easy Company, 101st Airborne Division

I've always been interested in World War Two. I had three uncles who as members of this "greatest generation" island-hopped and fought their way to victory in the Pacific. And I hold these American heroes with the highest regard. Although, my uncles would have been quick to say that the real heroes were their friends who made the ultimate sacrifice and never made it home.

One of my previous Love Inspired novels in the Eastern Shore of Virginia series,  The Bachelor's Unexpected Family, had a poignant World War Two connection.

Earlier this summer, my family and I traveled to Normandy. June 6, 2019 marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings that culminated in the eventual capitulation of the Third Reich.

Utah Beach

Standing on the beach listening to the pounding waves upon the sand and the sound of seabirds cawing overhead, I reflected on that pivotal day seventy-five years ago. At the top of the dunes, derelict German bunkers and gun placements still overlook this now peaceful strand that was once the scene of near unimaginable carnage.

We visited many of the sites featured in Steven Spielberg's iconic Band of Brothers mini-series, including the church at Sainte-Mère-Église, the first town liberated by Allied forces from Nazi occupation.

But it was at the American Cemetery, with all of those white crosses and Stars of David, that the terrible price of war truly hit me. Most of the young men who died on Omaha and Utah beaches were between the ages of 18 and 23—the same as my two daughters. If my daughters had been alive in 1944, potentially these brave young men would have been classmates and friends. It was a sobering realization for them when I pointed how how young these heroes were who'd died to preserve our freedom. 

Beyond the sea of white crosses lies the brilliant blue of the English Channel. And I was struck by the peaceful, serene beauty of the setting. There is something of the sacred here. It is hallowed ground.

I am thankful today for all those who have served and continue to serve our country. These men and women are my heroes, including law enforcement, firefighters and first responders, too. Their example of self-sacrifice inspire me to daily choose to love others better than myself. And to leave my little corner of the world a better place because God planted me here.

Who are your heroes? Do you have a friend or family member currently in service that you would like to give a shout out to? And as for fictional heroes, what kind of hero do you most like to read about?

Hope you are enjoying these last days of summer.
Happy reading,

As a Southern romance writer, Lisa has definite opinions on serious issues like barbecue, ACC basketball and the whole Pepsi vs. Coke controversy. When she isn't writing, Lisa enjoys traveling to romantic locales and researching her next romantic adventure.

Join her mailing list for info on book happenings at Newsletter. Follow her on  BookBub to receive notices about new releases. 
Welcome to Truelove, North Carolina—Where True Love Awaits. This fun, new romantic series is set in the breathtakingly lovely Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

Though the course of true love doesn’t always run smooth, never fear. The Truelove Matchmakers are there to make sure everyone finds their true happily-ever-after.
A mutually beneficial temporary arrangement…
But can they keep it strictly professional?

Nursing student Amber Fleming couldn’t be more stunned when ex-marine Ethan Green makes an offer: he’ll babysit her twin girls if she cares for his injured grandmother. Amber knows it’s temporary. Ethan isn’t one for roots—or their hometown. But his steadfast caring has her wanting more than friendship. And with help from Amber’s mischievous twins, can they risk becoming a forever family? 

Pre-order here.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Back to school giveaway!!

When I was at RWA, the annual conference for romance writers, last month, a bunch of us had some leftover books from our signing, so I collected a few extras with the intention of putting together a giveaway for all of you! I've been hanging on to them since then, and I'm so glad to finally clear some of the stuff out of my office!

Being in NYC was definitely a highlight of my summer. So many fun things to see and do. I was especially excited to see the Statue of Liberty, which I hadn't been to see since I was a child. While so many things have changed since then, it was nice to see it again.

I had enough items to make three different prizes. I'll draw a winner from each of them. To enter, simply leave a comment telling me the best part of your summer. And, for a bonus entry, share this post with your friends. I'll give you an entry for every place you share it. Just tag me when you share so I know you shared.

The prizes:

Lots of fun things in each prize pack, so hopefully, it will give you lots of great reading for back to school!

About Danica Favorite:

A self-professed crazy chicken lady, Danica Favorite loves the adventure of living a creative life. She and her family recently moved in to their dream home in the mountains above Denver, Colorado.  Danica loves to explore the depths of human nature and follow people on the journey to happily ever after. Though the journey is often bumpy, those bumps are what refine imperfect characters as they live the life God created them for. Oops, that just spoiled the ending of all of Danica’s stories. Then again, getting there is all the fun.

You can connect with Danica at the following places:

Danica's most recent release:

His secret past. His second chance.

Three Sisters Ranch could be his way home…

When inexperienced rancher Nicole Bell starts training her troubled mare, Fernando Montoya has just the expertise she needs. But helping Nicole brings Fernando dangerously close to revealing the secret he’d rather keep hidden: he learned the skill in prison. While the horse draws them together, can Fernando find a way to tell her the truth…and keep it from pulling them apart? 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

An Old Take on Going to Church Camp by Jo Ann Brown

Today, we send our kids to camp in the summer, either day camp or sleepover camp. In the 19th century, the whole family attended camp meeting together. The first camp meetings, as they were called, were held on land purchased by a church or a generous donor. Families either rented or bought small plots of land, just big enough to erect a generous sized tent where everyone could live—along with the mosquitos and other bugs—for the duration of camp meeting. Eventually, those families sought permission to build a more permanent structure on their tent site, and camp meeting communities evolved into what today are still highly sought after vacation communities.
My first visit to a camp community was when I was invited to teach for a week at Craigville Conference Center on Cape Cod. I immediately fell in love with the collection of homes and other buildings. A grand open-sided structure, called the Tabernacle, sits on a hill overlooking the village green where once a post office was the gathering place for residents and visitors.
That post office now is a gift shop, but still provides a bulletin board with member information. The once simple tents have become adorable Gothic-style cottages or large vacation homes, where the original footprint of the tent-sized house has been augmented by expansive construction.
Craigville was built on a bluff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, and the views remain glorious as the sun sets over the marshes surrounding it.
There are several other camp meeting communities in Massachusetts, including another Cape Cod one that was built in Yarmouth (near Hyannis) and one on Martha’s Vineyard. My husband and I chanced upon another community last fall, this one named Rustic Ridge in western Massachusetts. Again, I fell in love with the architecture and the sense of community, though the place was nearly deserted as the summer people had already moved back to their permanent homes around the country.
Rustic Ridge is in the town of Northfield, MA,
the only town that abuts both Vermont and New Hampshire as it straddles the Connecticut River. Northfield is the birthplace of Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist and publisher who drew hundreds to his lectures in the late 19th century. He considered education an important part of his work, and he founded schools for both boys and girls in his home town. He also invited ministers to attend a summer gathering where they could learn from one another, starting in 1880. The small town and the schools couldn’t provide all the housing necessary, so families camped on the steep sides of the hill overlooking the girls’ school. By 1901, the first house was built on what became known as Rustic Ridge.
Others quickly followed, all of them purchased by visiting ministers and business people looking for a quiet place for the summer for recreation and reflection. The descendants of some of those original purchasers still live on the Ridge (as it’s affectionately known).

In the future, I hope to be able to visit Rehoboth Beach in Delaware where there was also a camp meeting association as well as Ocean Grove, NJ. I’m sure there are plenty of others I’ve never heard of, so if you know of one, share please! Each place has its own unique history and wonderful architecture. In the northeast, some are near the beach, others in the mountains, but all are testaments to families who came together to worship and enjoy the summer together...along with all those pesky mosquitos!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Put on your own mask first

Growing up is hard.

Watching someone grow old can be harder.

The normal order of things is for a parent to raise their child. 
They take care of you. 
What do you do when the situation in reversed and you have to take care of them? 

My mother has been blessed with good health for most of her very long life—to the extent of being able to drive around town even when she was in her nineties.  But time takes its toll on a body, no matter how well you treat it. Eventually my mother got to the point where she was too frail to live alone. 

At about the same time, my employer decided to close down the site where I was working. They kindly offered to move me to the company’s main site on the east coast. To give them points for honesty, I should mention that they made this offer in January, when the average high temperature at their location was 5 degrees Fahrenheit.  I thanked them for the offer. But I decided these two events—my site closing down and my mother growing frail—could not be described as coincidence. Seemed more like Providence. 

I began submitting my resume to companies near where my mother lived. Usually, this is a long process. It can take weeks or even months before you hear back from a company. But within a day of sending my resume, I found a company that was eager to hire me. They flew me down for an interview within the week, offered me a job the week after, and then paid for my multi-state move. 

At this point, I figured everything was set. I’d be around in the evenings in case my mother needed help, and I’d save up the money I would otherwise have spent in rent. Easy peasy!

Um… no. I hadn’t counted on the physical toll it would take on an elderly lady to have to clear out a room so I could live there. Apparently, in the years since I’d moved out, my room had become the ideal location for things that no one wanted to use (but at the same time no one wanted to throw away). 

It is hard to get rid of decades of Stuff. Even with my brothers helping out, my mother still ended up in the hospital as a result of the physical exertion of lifting boxes and carrying them downstairs. (What is that, you say? Ask my sons to do that for me? Nonsense! I'm perfectly capable of picking up a box snd carrying it down the stairs.... until the point where it hurts too much for her to sit stand or walk.) 

Even once I’d moved in and my mother was able to come back home, things weren’t easy. While it made sense from my point of view that I do the heavy lifting when it came to household chores, to my mother this was incomprehensible.  For my mother, taking care of other people what was she was supposed to do. No matter what how much her body complained, this was her job and she did not want to give it up.

So in the past few months I have learned a lot:

  • I’ve learned that as we get older, while our bodies might age our minds still insist that we can do everything we used to do, thankyouverymuch.
  • I’ve learned what I see as helping can very easily be seen as taking away the last vestige of a senior citizen's independence and self respect. It’s a tricky tightrope to walk.
  • I've learned that caring for other people does not mean giving up what you need for your own survival.

If you’ve ever flown in a plane, you’ve had to sit through the lecture about how you should take care of your own oxygen mask before making sure anyone else is getting air to breathe. It feels selfish to take care of yourself, but in a crisis it’s practical to make sure that you’re still there to take care of other people. I’m starting to take time for myself to write and read and pray. These are things that help me renew my strength for the next day’s tasks.

Ultimately, we are all caretakers of each other. And we all need to find time to put on our own oxygen mask to survive. 

What do you do to make sure you have time to breathe?

Photo courtesy of Gerd Altmann

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sunday Scripture

Christus Pantocrator, Cathedral of Cefalù, c. 1130.
[GNU Free Documentation License]

Jesus said to his disciples:
"I have come to set the earth on fire,
and how I wish it were already blazing! 
There is a baptism with which I must be baptized,
and how great is my anguish until it is accomplished! 
Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? 
No, I tell you, but rather division. 
From now on a household of five will be divided,
three against two and two against three;
a father will be divided against his son
and a son against his father,
a mother against her daughter
and a daughter against her mother,
a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."
Luke 12:49-53

If you have any prayer needs, please mention them in the comments section so we can join you in prayer. You do not need to include specific names or situations of a private nature, just say that you have a prayer request. The Lord knows your heart and the needs you have. It is a privilege and honor to pray with you and for you.

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