Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter has always been a favorite holiday of mine. Not just because of the goodies in the Easter baskets I received as a child (I still have a fettish for a good hollow chocolate bunny!) or because of the family lunches, the new dress for Sunday, or hiding eggs (some with $ in them!) in the yard at my grandparents house - but because of what it means to my heart.

Without Easter, we would have no hope. No life. No future. Without the resurrection, we'd be a lost race. We can have Christmas and be grateful for Jesus' birth. But without Easter, there is no rebirth - there is nothing to take with us.

This year, I have a daughter to influence. She might be only 9 months old, but I firmly believe it it is never too early to share the good news of Jesus Christ. I figure the more I tell her now, the deeper it'll sink in later. Sort of like listening to a song over and over in the background - eventually you learn the words, whether you intended to or not. =)

This picture was taken in my parent's yard last weekend. She's already having a blast with her plastic eggs and little wicker basket. And of course, Mommy had to hook her up with a new spring dress!

I can't wait to share this holiday with my new little family.

This Easter, when you're hiding eggs for kids in your yard, remember not to hide the message of the gospel, but rather wear it proudly like a new Easter dress. When you're baking green bean casserole or a ham or hot rolls, remember to also partake of the Everlasting Bread. When you're spending time with family and friends, remenber to take a few moments to revel in our ultimate Friend - the one who sacrificed all so that we might have an Easter, so that we might have life.

And when you're devouring that hollow chocolate bunny - well, have a big bite for me! =)

Happy Easter, from my family to yours!


  1. Oh, I love her! Gorgeous picture. I keep telling my husband I want one more! Mikey (age four) gets in my lap and spills off. We got him a
    Spiderman head Easter basket. He loves it.

  2. Jesus really is the ultimate friend and a joy to celebrate.

    Cute dress!

  3. What an adorable baby! This time of year is magical, isn't it? A beautiful doe jumped out ahead of my car this morning (it was several yards away) and I saw a squirrel pilferring plastic Easter eggs this afternoon.

    These special moments have me sending a quick thank you to God for brightening my day.

  4. She is adorable and that was a wonderful post....

  5. Oh, she's so gorgeous, Betsy! Enjoy every minute. They grow up so quickly!

    Thanks for your wonderful post. I also love Easter for the exact reasons you mentioned. Oh, and the Reece's eggs don't hurt either. :)



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