September 16,
It's four it the morning. Why am I awake? Oh, yeah, this morning I'm driving fifteen hours to Denver. I'm so happy Lynn Rush is going with me. Driving alone is boring. She'll never know that the shortcut I mentioned is really two hours longer but very scenic. Drive, Drive, Drive, Drive... day ends.
September 17,
The phone rings, waking me from a dead sleep. It's a friend saving me a seat for the Donald Maass workshop that I'm not attending (luv ya, Donald, but heard you in Phoenix and have family in Denver). Stumble to shower (where's the towel rack? what? no towel rack. Hey, the towel rack is IN the shower. Whose idea was that?) Spend day with family, return to conference to listen to Debbie MacComber and meet friends. Talk, Talk, Talk...day ends.
September 18,
Took the University of Fiction class from Karen Ball and Allen Arnold. Learned that I need to build a tribe. Then, I worked at the bookstore. That night twenty-seven authors and one editor, all Love Inspired, went to dinner. Talk, Talk, Talk, day ends.

September 19,
Graduated from the University of Fiction, got a diploma! Worked editor/agent appointments. Went to the the banquet. Broken Lullaby won best short romantic suspense. I didn't pass out, at least physically. What a day! Talk, Smile, Faint. Talk, Smile, Faint... day ends.
September 20,
Returned home. Drive, drive, drive... day ends.
Best thing about conference: Seeing old friends, making new friends, and knowing that God is there through it all.
Sounds like fun! Congratulations!!!!
ReplyDeleteI really like how you wrote about it...very entertaining : )
ReplyDeleteYou won the suspense books for August over on the LIS craftie blog. If you already have the books, for August, I can send you a Craftie Ladies Tshirt!
Pamela... who is still excited.
Lol! I'm sure you ARE still excited and you should be!!
ReplyDeleteShoot! I keep forgeting to email about the books! I am so sorry....I have Final Warning(that WAS an August book, right?). Other than that, I do not have any of them...you guys have Tshirts!? That is so cool, too! Lol! You should sell them, maybe you already do...?
Hannah...who uses a lot of exclamation points!
Congratulations on your award, Pamela!! ~ And I was so glad to meet you (briefly,LOL!) on Thursday evening during dinner (you and Lenora Worth were talking to Missy(?) or someone near my table, and I gushed out something to you both about being thrilled to meet celebrities (I was SO excited to be there!). Anyway, you seemed very sweet and I was pleased to meet you in person. Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo
ReplyDeleteHannah, go to the eharlequin site, pick four books, and then shoot me the titles. I can send them. Or, wait a few days and I'll be posting the Tshirt on the blog and you can choose either the Tshirt or the books.
You are so fun!
Patti Jo,
ReplyDeleteWasn't the conference wonderful! I keep closing my eyes and trying to remember it step by step. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Awww! Thanks Pamela! I think your really cool too!
ReplyDeleteOkay, the August ones should be fine(I'll have to brush myself up on what they were! Lol!), but I'll wait and see what your awesome Tshirt looks like. Sorry it took me this long....I really didn't mean to keep you waiting.
UMMMM excuse me, I believe you left out the best highlight of your trip - meeting ME!!!!! =)
ReplyDeleteI should have added you between one of the talk, talk, talks. hehehehe. And, I need to mention meeting your husband, too.
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