Thursday, September 10, 2009


Valerie Hansen on the right. That's me. And with me are two great friends who went with me to Little Rock to participate in the Susan G. Komen "Race for the Cure."
We're survivors. And I thought, given that this will post on 9/11, that I'd mention being so thankful to be well, let alone to be here at all.
It was many years ago that I faced and beat breast cancer but the memory has remained so clear, so traumatic, that I have only recently found myself able to write about it.
I had a Love Inspired book released this past June and another in July. The next one will be a historical Love Inspired that follows up on the July book but is set in 1858. However, this November, my personal survival story will be included in "Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessings." I won't cite it all here because that would spoil it. Just let me say that that experience changed my life FOR THE BETTER. It wasn't fun. It wasn't anything I'd willingly repeat. Yet, right now, I can only be thankful and amazed that I came through that trial and have been cancer free for seventeen years and counting! PTL!!!!
Valerie Hansen


  1. Wow, I am so thankful that you are a survivor! Survivors are ewxtraordinary people no matter what they are a survivor from. Nice post : )

  2. So happy you survived, Val! You rock!

  3. What a great post! Thanks for telling your story.

  4. Praise the Lord is right, 17 year survivor congratulations to you


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