Friday, September 25, 2009

Carol Steward - Starting from Scratch

I've taken a year off writing to let God refill the creative cup. When I finished my fourth book in 2 years, there were plenty of things in my life that had been ignored. Welcome a grandson. Make cookies with his older brother. Visit my granddaughter in Phoenix and meet my Love Inspired sisters. Learn to play Guitar Hero (including being booed off the stage). Geocache and enjoy the great Colorado outdoors. In addition to a little playing, I thought I'd catch up on housework, refinish furniture, remodel a few rooms of the house, rearrange the furniture a few times.

I started out at a closeout sale, not searching for anything, but finding funky beaded curtains to make our basement bedroom look unlike a basement bedroom. We proceeded to choose paint. Had to be something that would compliment the antique turquoise marble lamps of my grandmother's. The one color out of consideration is the only color that was right. Mocha and Latte. In one day, our dull, drab extra bedroom became a warm and restful master suite.

Onto the bathroom. We chose the tile and accessories. We tore out the old tub walls. . . a few days later painted the brown bathtub white. . . A few weeks later, cut and put up the new tile. . . a few months later, put in the grout. . . It's gorgeous, and I love it – finally.

Summer was supposed to be used painting the eaves of our brick house. It's not that much. It shouldn't have been so tough. It wasn't a hot summer. That's a good thing. But it rained, and rained, and rained. That too is a good thing, except not when you want to paint. We got the first coat on, and the cold arrived. It's just a tease of winter, I know, but it's enough to stop the painting. For who knows how long. . . At least we got the first coat of paint on the primer.

So I didn't revamp everything. I didn't become an expert guitar player. I didn't get any sewing done. I did get to read my friends' books, and look at life from the "other side." My perspective is back - sort of.

It's now been a year of cleaning and sprucing up, while God's refilled the creative cup. After the inspiration of meeting with other writers last week at the conference, it is time to again, start from scratch. To pull the words together, rearrange the ideas, and tell my stories. I can't wait to read the final manuscript.

What do you do to reenergize?


  1. So important to rejunvenate. If god rested on the seventh day, isn't it a sign our creativity needs a break once in a while. Good for you.

  2. Did you know they have Drum Hero now! Of course, it's more expensive LOL.
    I hate to paint, but love to bake cookies.

  3. Thanks Linda. I just wish it were easier to get back into full swing again!

    Drum Hero? That would give them something to beat me with! I think it's time for another visit to my daughter and son (in law) so I can practice some more. If nothing else, they have a tetris game powered by a stationary bike that kept me riding for almost an hour just so I could play. No one to boo me off there!

  4. Hey Carol, well, that wild ride I took through Wyoming this week has certainly rejuvenated me for Emma's Outlaw story!

    We're redoing our livingroom and bathroom as well, but it's out of necessity due to a slow leak. New carpets and wallpaper in the livingroom, vinyl and paint in the bathroom. We'd bought a tub surround years ago but didn't have the energy to rip off all the old brown tiles. The 'rip-out' crew did that last month so the tub surround is ready to go. In honor of it, we bought a new soaking bathtub. It's not a whirlpool but it's 7" deeper than the old one! The hardest part was choosing the one wall of wallpaper. Finally went with what we'd always wanted but were too scared to put up... a cranberry red. Since the insurance was paying for it, we figured we'd take the plunge.

    I'm glad I had a chance to meet you in Denver.

    BTW - I love tetris! Where can I get one of those set-ups? LOL

  5. Hi Anita! It was awesome to meet you at ACFW! Good luck with the renovations! Sounds gorgeous. We weren't brave enough to pull out the old tub. I wasn't up for retro-fitting it into the old space. But the soaking tub is on my wish list when we renovate the upstairs bathroom again (hopefully not out of necessity!)

    Enjoy the cranberry bathroom. We have cranberry accent wall in my family room and love it!


  6. Carol,
    It is important to rest....occasionally. Lol! Being a high school senior, there is not much time at all to rest!

    By the way, the picture of you and your grandson baking is really cute. There is a picture exactly like that of me and my grandma when I am about 4 I think. Except, everyone in the family likes to pick on me with it because for some reason I am not wearing pants! I think I got them dirty(probably), so grandma was washing them. Anyway, I thought that it was kind of funny that they were so similar.

  7. It was great to finally meet you, Carol!

    Oh, I just love Guitar Hero!! I'm asking for the new game for Christmas. :)


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