Sunday, September 13, 2009

Heroine Interview from Dad in Training

Interview with the heroine – Molly Manning from DAD IN TRAINING
by Gail Gaymer Martin, Steeple Hill Love Inspired, September 2009 release.

1. Molly, tell me the most interesting thing about you.

Other than I’m a special needs teacher with an innovative program called Teacher’s Pet, I guess I’ll say I’m determined. When I want something that’s important to me, I don’t take no for an answer. I strive to succeed because I don’t like to fail. I can’t fail.

2. What do you do for fun?

I love working with dogs---all kinds of dogs. I love training them and playing with them. What I love about dogs is they are faithful and offer unconditional love. Oh yes, and I know where I stand with them. A wagging tail, the dog likes me; bared teeth, I’d better get out of its way.

3. What do you put off doing because you dread it?

I dread talking about my teen years. My parents were “the Cleavers.” They seemed perfect, and I tried to meet their expectations, but for a while, I gave up. I’m ashamed of those years and I won’t talk about it.

4. What are you afraid of most in life?

I’m most afraid of two things, failing as I said before, and having to tell someone I love about those difficult years that I want to forget.

5. What do you want out of life?

I want to own a dog shelter and provide training for them so they can be adopted to good homes. I want to see euthanasia end for dogs that are trainable.

6. What is the most important thing to you?

Being fulfilled is important to me---the dog shelter and I suppose, I’d like to have a husband and family one day. I’m thirty and have nothing in the horizon. But I’m an optimist---and don’t forget, I don’t like to fail.

7. Do you read? If so, what is your favorite type of book to read?

I don’t read as much as I’d like. Working as an educator fulltime and then striving to build a dog shelter business takes time, but when I do sit and relax, I read books about people who’ve struggled and learned to survive. Oh, and I do read my Bible.
8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I could change a lot of things, I’m sure. My friend Steph Wright could give you a list as long as her arm, but since she’s not doing the interview, I’ll say patience is what I’d like to change. I want things to happen now not later. I forget that things happen in God’s time and not always mine.

9. Do you have a pet? If so, what is it and why that pet?

Funny you ask that question. No. I love dogs but I live in a condo that doesn’t allow pets. So maybe that’s my other dream, to live in a house. When I have a pet, naturally it would be a dog or two. I love Steph’s border collie Fred, so I might like to have a border collie or maybe a golden retriever. I love those too.

10. If you could travel back in time, where would you go and why?

I would return to my teen years and undo what I’m so sorry for. I think everyone has horrible things they do, and they wish they could wind back the clock. I know God forgave me, but that’s another flaw I have. I can’t seem to forgive myself.

Thanks for the interview. It helped me put some things into perspective. Maybe in time all my dreams and wishes will come true. I think they will. I’m very determined.


  1. Enjoyed the "interview". When a character can answer deeper questions like some of those, you know she is complete. In fact, it is good to ask ourselves some of those questions.

  2. enjoyed the interview, always learning something.


  3. I love all Love Inspired books. They make great reading.

  4. Great inteview. I love dogs too.. My job is take care of dogs while the family is away. They love company. I entertain and spoiled them as they can be.

  5. I loved the book and the interview. Dogs are very important in my life as my husband and I own a Black Lab, Grand Duchess Anastasia III. She is our child and we love her very much. She gives that unconditional love that dogs give. Labs are such happy and joyful dogs.


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