Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lovable Characters

Missy here. Some of you may recognize this actor, Jeff Branson, from his role as Shane on a CBS soap opera. Well, his photo has been inspiring me while I'm working on a new story idea. :) But when making a character, we have to think about more than just making him hunky. I'm in the middle of working on this new idea, and I thought, what better way to get ideas than from readers? So if you don't mind, I have a few questions and would love your feedback.

What things make you fall in love with a hero? What things make you sympathize with a heroine? Can you pinpoint what it is about characters or a story that makes them stick in your head long after the story is over?

I'd love any help you can offer for my research! :)


  1. This may sound a little weird, but I tell my brother that a little bit of awkward is very appealing. A little stumble when he introduces himself, a nervous laugh. It's cute because he's nervous and not super full of himself. This is usually when my brother starts heavily mouth-breathing like the creepy kid from the cartoon "Hey Arnold" and I have to remind him that there is a fine line between "a little bit of awkward" and "just downright creepy."

  2. LOL, Justina!! I used to watch that show with my kids. I remember the kid! LOL

    I like a bit of awkwardness, too. In fact, I used it in His Forever Love. So I'm glad to hear of someone else who likes that! Thanks for sharing. I'll have to tuck that idea away and use for another character sometime.

  3. Justina!!! I remember him! But I totally agree.

    I like quieter, shy-ish guys. Okay, this may sound odd, but I like guys who "bloom" when in their own environment. For example, I know a guy who is so comfortable at his house. It's wonderful(and makes me like him even more!). Do you know what I mean?

  4. A good sense of humor--someone who can make me laugh.

  5. Hannah, what a great observation. I can see how that would be fun with a character. Kind of a fish out of water story maybe where he finally finds his niche. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Margaret, I love a good sense of humor as well!

  6. Good witty dialogue!
    I like the bad boys - leather jacket, motorcycle and a bit of a rogue yet has a good heart.
    I like heroine's who have a strong personality, are confident in who they are.
    Loved Her unlikely family!

  7. Thanks, Sketch Girl! I'm so glad you enjoyed Josie--who was very strong! :)

    Great suggestions on characters you love. Thanks for sharing! I love to hear what readers enjoy.


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