Friday, September 4, 2009

A Time of Change

Carol Steward here, sort of. It's been one of those weeks.

Fall is generally a time of change, as you can see in this picture of my neighborhood, with Longs Peak on the horizon. Some years, change hits harder than usual. I work at a university, and this week, I had two new computers to set up and a new scanner to train new students on. I knew it was going to be exhausting for me to take on new responsibilities. Adding to the stress, we found out Monday that one of my coworkers had a serious episode last week after leaving work and ended up in intensive care, and is looking at a long road to recovery. It makes me realize what a delicate balance life is. Today's Friday, and a long weekend, and I am more than ready for a chance to reenergize. I was going to paint the trim on the house, but I think that will wait.

My mom suffered a massive stroke 12 years ago, and bless her, she's been beating the odds ever since, paralysis and all. We've had one trip after another to the hospital with her through the years, but this year, we're on number 4 and we're not through yet. Her last chance in this long list of battles is a still-experimental procedure to repair her aortic valve without invasive procedures. We're down to the wire, trying to keep her healthy and strong enough to make the trips back and forth to Texas, praying that this will not only extend her life, but improve the quality, until God calls her home for good.

September is a time of change, the weather, the school year, welcoming new family members, and saying goodbye to others. Change is constant, and life is constantly changing as well. Sometimes the change is good, and sometimes not. From day to day, I'm never sure which one will meet me that day. And I have to confess, too often, I let the unknown hold me back from making the best of each day, each hour, each minute. I tend to steel myself for the worst, and hope for the best. That's on a good day. And this week, I'm desperately ready for another good day.
So my goal this week is to look for the positive and not let the disappointments keep me from enjoying those around me, and the changes that God has in store. (Is that as dangerous as praying for patience?) How do you "ride out the rough spots in life?"


  1. Carol, it sounds like your mom is an amazing woman. I'll be praying that things go well so you can all have a break and rest.

  2. Thanks, Missy. Yes, she is my "Timex" watch, she take a licking and keeps on ticking. It hasn't been easy, but she has handled it with far more grace than I'd have.

    I'm taking it one day at a time. She talks to the clinic in Dallas on Tuesday to start scheduling tests and the surgery.

    Thanks for your prayers!


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