Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fall is in the air...

I love the changing of seasons, don't you? Especially when summer changes to fall. It's as if the world breathes a deep sigh of relief, shedding thick green leaves for crispy red and gold ones. Leaving sticky hot days behind for cooler, mosquito-free evenings. It's almost as if the earth slips its shoes off and relaxes, free from the pressure of performance in greenery and flowers and blooms.

The changing of seasons always seems like a new beginning, maybe even more in September because of school starting back. Even after graduating college years ago, I still love the smell and feel of school supplies! What is it about new pencils, empty notebooks, and bright Sharpies that spell out A U T U M N?

I think its the lure of a fresh start. The changing of seasons, the starting of school - even in the middle of a calendar year - seems to hint of newness. Opportunity. Second chances.

For me, Autumn means bonfires. Marshmallows. Knee-high dress boots and rust colored sweaters. Long hair that doesn't need a ponytail anymore. Pumpkins. Halloween costumes for my daughter. Candy apples and denim jackets and long walks in crisp air.

And of course, writing more books. But that's every season, isn't it? =)

What do you look forward to most about Autumn?


  1. Apple cider!!! Apple season is in the fall and I notice that apple cider pops up in the grocery store. And, you'll also start seeing egg nog on the shelves in the grocery store around October.
    Another thing I look forward to are the beautiful colors on the leaves! The green changing to orange, yellow and gold is so amazing...showing God's handiwork!

  2. I love Autumn too! I love the cool nights that make sleep come easily. I tend to make comfort foods all fall, too. And then there's football--oh, yeah!

  3. Pumpkins! Our youth at the church sell pumpkins through October as a fundraiser. I love seeing them out there! And I enjoy working at the pumpkin patch on occasion. :)

  4. I love all things related to fall. The changing leaves, cooler weather, dried corn stalks, pumpkins and apple cider doughnuts. It's a beautiful time of year.


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