Missy here.
Well, the frays of Christmas have already started. I totally forgot about posting last week! And we've had a couple of other posting mishaps as well (schedule conflicts, malfunctioning DSL, deadline pressures). Most people are extremely busy this time of year. I've also found that this week in particular is a big week for Christmas parties. At Bible study this morning, every woman in the room had been to a party last night!
And parties mean food, decorating, cleaning house, gifts, babysitters...and on and on. It's enough to make us forget to post a blog post. To even forget our heads if they aren't attached! :)
Another big stress right now is shopping. And for many people this Christmas, worrying about financing Christmas.

We worry about finding just the right gift for someone we love. We worry about affording all the toys our kids are begging for and circling in the Target catalogue. Some worry about over-spending and how it'll carry over to the new year.
We worry about getting food prepared in time when we have two parties in one day. We worry about meeting our commitments at work at the same time we're worrying about the holiday preparations. Some worry about family gatherings and strained relationships. Some dread Christmas because it'll be a sad time for them this year--maybe they've lost someone they loved in the past year.
I just received a batch of reader letters and found several readers are very lonely this holiday season. It just broke my heart to read those sweet letters.
And it hit me that I need to quit all this worry and stressing. I need to focus on those who are hurting right now. Let's pray for those who are sad and lonely. Let's focus on all the good we have and quit worrying about pulling off a perfect Christmas. Instead, let's spend the time appreciating our friends and family and reaching out to others.
Can any of you suggest ways we can reach out to others this Christmas?
Great post, Missy! And you're so right...we need to reach out more to others instead of worrying so much about our own circumstances.~ With so many folks feeling stressed this time of year, I think even a simple act like smiling and saying "hello" to strangers might be a blessing. I did this last week at my town's Post Office--so many people looked frazzled, so I made a point to speak and smile (you just never know when that simple act can give someone a lift!). I also want to visit a local nursing home and take some poinsettias for the residents who don't receive many visitors (this is a burden on my heart--I love older folks). ~ Merry Christmas!!! Hugs, Patti Jo
ReplyDeletePatti Jo, I'm sure they appreciated your sweet smile! And also the poinsettias. Those are great ideas.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
Two things I did this year which were all I could afford. I helped our Sunday School Class do two shoeboxes for a 9 year old boy and a teen girl.
ReplyDeleteLast night I gave a gift basket I had won from an author to a Preacher's wife. We had our section Pastors and Leaders Christmas party. Now my gift was more than $ 10 if you added up what it would have cost. But as I won everything in it, it was all free. This Pastor's wife said every woman in her church would read the book by Anita Higman.
That is all I can do as I wait everyday waiting to see if my Mom will be here or if we have to head from Missouri to Illinois to bury my Mom so this is a sad time for me. My Mom has Alhemizer's and has slipped a lot in the last week. If that is not enough, my daughter's partner is fighting to get his two children away from sexual abuse and verbal abuse so we have a court hearing coming up. My heart breaks for these two kids as their Mom is a burglar and her trial has drug on for a year.
But in the past I have had to make divinity, peanut brittle, and homemade candy for my gifts.
Visiting nursing homes is a good way to celebrate the holidays.
ReplyDeletesquiresJ, I'm sorry for the struggles you're facing now. But it touched me to hear the good you've been doing despite your hardships. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWilma, that's a great idea. Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
ReplyDeleteIm late here. This year I have done cheap gifts. I made recipes books for the family using mum and her mum's recipes. I was telling my friend and shes says dont forget I have a birthday in March! I was wondering if its a good gift cos it looks small but I know they want the recipes and i did scan many of them.
ReplyDeleteAlso we give cookies and slices to friends, neighbours and people who have helped us in the year. I dont know my neighbours except to say hello but am thinking of taking a plate of biscuits just to say hi.
I will be alone for Christmas If I stayed home I would be just as alone but knowing I had to go to the nursing home. but I will be in Melbourne but I am ok with it. I think being alone Christmas is more about how the person responds to Christmas. I love the season and the reason for Christmas, I will go to church and do some special things we always do at Christmas like start a jigsaw even if Im not home. One way to help the lonely at christmas is give them a phone call sometime during the day to let they know you care. Little things like a call can make the world of difference.
I think people get to caught up with buying expensive gifts and sometimes less is way better. Kids learn to appreciate things when they get less and its explained how money is tight. Kids also learn how to spend from the example of parents. If the parents go into debt to buy the latest items the kids will probably do the same but if you teach them the value of money they will appreicate it way more.
Jenny, that sounds like you have a good plan.
ReplyDeleteYes, a phone call is always nice. And like you said, taking a plate of biscuits. Just something to let people know you're thinking of them.
I gave a copy of Missy Tippens' book, A Forever Family, to my mother-in-law as her gift from Santa at her retirement home Christmas party. Was she ever excited! The Love-Inspired books are perfect for her! I think she will have another one in her Christmas stocking!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lynn! I appreciate you giving them as gifts. I know I always love to get books! :)