Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This is my first time here, and I am sooo excited to meet you all. This is a very cool blog, you know--filled with authors I admire, who write books that I love.   I'm so glad they let me join in, because I won't  have a Love Inspired book out until November!  In fact, I'm working on that book right now.

So, I'll just introduce myself.   I wrote fifteen books for a secular line before moving to Steeple Hill's Love Inspired Suspense. I've now sold nine books to that line--including FATAL BURN, which will be out in the stores during the next week.

I live with my husband on an acreage in the country, with three very  active dogs--our two Border collies, plus our grandpuppy Abby, who is here a lot because our son travels as part of his job.  Abby thinks she's still a puppy, but at ten months of age she's around 70 pounds of pure muscle, and she can sure wear the other two dogs out.  We're just glad she's here--she had a rough go of it as a young puppy, but with a lot of prayer and a wonderful vet, she's now our miracle dog!

 We also have a couple of horses out back--our son's thirty-three year old quarter horse Smokey, and my ten-year-old gelding--and lots of super-friendly, fluffy barn cats.  They've all been neutered, though we keep finding new strays that join the mix, too.  Must be all of the good cat food. :) 

Our three kids are all in college.   Emily is an English major and wants to be a professor and a writer.  Brian is working on his MBA, and Andy is close to finishing a degree in engineering and business management.

So that's it for us....and now, I look forward to meeting you all!

Roxanne Rustand
The "All creatures great and small place"


  1. Welcome Roxanne,
    Great post. Have you had the horse for 33 years?
    And, I'd love to meet Emily. I'm a professor and a writer. I can't think of any better combination.

  2. Roxanne, we have writers and engineers in our family as well. Makes life interesting.

  3. Nice to meet you, Roxanne. I love books with horses, acreages, farms, etc. We live on a quarter section farm but hubby only bought it because it was always my dream. We rent out 100 acres of the rolling hills to an organic farmer. Sometimes they're covered with blue flax, sometimes, yellow canola, etc. The rest is the home yard and pasture is where I walk to gain insight and receive inspiration for my prairie stories.

    We had horses but hubby didn't like being tied down so we gave them to our pastor's family. The horses receive lots of attention there and the exchange students get to learn how to ride.

    The pastor has an old 30+ yr old horse and every year the kids need to go out and see how it's doing. He's slow and plods along, head low, but he's so gentle with them.

    When I read your books, I know you know what you're talking about because you live it. I like that.

  4. How cool, Pamela--I will tell Emily about you! She'll be with me at RWA. If you go, I want to introduce you!

    Hi Julie--yes--there's quite a difference in mindsets, isn't there?! :)

    Anite---your place sounds so lovely!


  5. Your home sounds marvelous. I'm a sucker for horses! I took one of your classes through ACFW last year and really learned a lot. Thanks!

  6. Hi Roxanne!
    We've chatted very briefly before(not that I expect you to remember *Wink*), but I still wanted to welcome you to this blog!! You are most definitely right that this a WONDERFUL place to be filled with WONDERFUL women! I am so happy and gracious that God brought it/them into my life : )

    Anyway, that's cool that your kids are all in college. I'm a senior in high school this year and headed to college next year. So, the college process is upon me! Lol...

    I look forward to many more, what I'm sure will be, interesting conversations with you!
    WELCOME Roxanne!!

  7. Hi Roxanne. Great to meet you. My daughter's name is Emily, too and has decided to be a rockstar when she grows up. Or a teacher. Or a vet. Or a ballet dancer. What can I say, she's young. Whatever she chooses, I'll encourage her, as all of my friends have encouraged me through out my years as a writer. Have a great night.

  8. Hello again, Jill. How nice to see you again, here. I just started giving another ACFW class this week!

    Project Journal--yes, I remember! Have you decided on a major yet?

    Kim, must be an Emily thing. :) Our Emily has changed her major quite a few times since starting college...but I think she is really happy with where she's at, now. So we are happy for her!


  9. Roxanne,
    Welcome. I loved reading about your home.

  10. Yep! Elementary education. Same as my mom....hmmmm wonder if it's in my genes ; )

  11. Hello Roxanne! As one of the many fans of this blog, I'm glad to "meet" you! (actually, I think we're "FaceBook friends" too, LOL). Your home sounds wonderful with all those animals--especially the CATS! Sounds like your 3 children are close to the ages of my 3 (cannot believe mine are already that old *sigh*). Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)

  12. Hey, Roxanne! I'm so glad you joined us!

  13. Hi Hannah, Patti Jo and Missy,
    Thanks so much for stopping by!

    And Patti Jo--I agree--I cannot believe our kids are now so grown up..especially since I don't feel a day older. :) :)



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