Thursday, January 14, 2016

Cloud Appreciation by Merrillee Whren

A gray, overcast day isn't my favorite kind of day, but I do like clouds. Since I was a kid, I've enjoyed gazing at clouds. I used to look for shapes in them. I've had characters in my books do the same. The big, fluffy white ones are my favorite, so I was excited some months back when our pastor's wife invited me to be part of a Cloud Appreciation Club. God's artistry is definitely on display in the clouds.

Clouds often find their way into the description in a scene I am writing. Here's an example from my work-in-progress.

The sideways rain drenched Caleb Fitzpatrick as he slogged down Main Street. He dodged puddles and wielded his umbrella like a shield against the dark-gray clouds’ precipitation, but his attempt to stay dry proved unsuccessful. Why had he traded a sunny beach in Florida for the dreary October weather of Hawthorne, Massachusetts? 

Clouds can set a mood in a story or real life, everything from a day at the beach to a romantic sunset or a trip by plane. 

Here's a photo I took of the clouds surrounding Mt. Hood as the plane took off from Portland, Oregon.
Do you see the mountain peeking out from among the clouds? 
Below are those beach and sunset clouds.

What are your favorite kind of clouds?

I will give away a copy of the first two books in my Village of Hope series to two people who leave a comment.

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  1. Love the clouds at sunset! Or sunrise. The colors are stunning and a glorious representation of God's artistry.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I am an early childhood educator, so each morning, my Little Darlings and I check our weather and dress our weather boy for the day. They're not crazy about cloudy days either. When we play outside, they will often stop what they're doing, stare up in the sky, and find some sort of shape in the clouds. I love their vivid imaginations.

  3. I remember dressing the weather boy!

    I love rain, mostly because my part of Arizona doesn't get enough.

  4. All these pictures just "settle" your heart. I love the ocean view since it reminds me of Hawaii. We have been there twice. My favorite thing to do was grab a cup of coffee and sit on the beach in the early morning hours with my husband Bob at my side. God is SO good!

  5. All these pictures just "settle" your heart. I love the ocean view since it reminds me of Hawaii. We have been there twice. My favorite thing to do was grab a cup of coffee and sit on the beach in the early morning hours with my husband Bob at my side. God is SO good!

  6. Christine, we see a lot of sunrises here in AZ. The sunrises and sunsets here are spectacular.

  7. Lisa, it is so fun to see the kids' imaginations.

  8. Pamela, you must have been happy last week when it seemed like we had rain every day. I'm still partial to sunshine.

  9. Janene, I can just see you and Bob sitting there enjoying the beach.

  10. lovely pictures.. after moving to a larger town I don't see such pretty scenery now.. I do like our sparkly Winter scenery though :)

  11. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for the giveaway too!

  12. I love clouds and sunsets too! Thank you for the giveaway!

  13. Deanna, thanks for stopping by the blog. I'm not much into winter. I like my weather hot. :)

  14. Just Commonly, thanks for stopping by.

  15. Beth, clouds and sunset are definitely beautiful. Thanks for stopping by.

  16. Grandson is studying aviation; he has made some beautiful pics of clouds. His Mom had a phone cover made for him of one of his pictures.....awesome.

    Thanks for your giveaway!

  17. Believe it or not, I love dark thick gray clouds as well as white clouds that show me different faces. Thank you for what you wrote and for your book which I'd love to win. Mary Lou K flowersmarylou85(at)gmail(dot)com

  18. Cloud appreciation club. I've never heard that one but it's a good idea, especially in June when the big, marshmallow clouds morph into animals and people and all kinds of fun things. Nice post, Merrillee. And some very nice writing in that scene of yours!

  19. Jackie, I've taken a lot of photos of clouds from the window of a plane. Your son must have a lot of them. It's interesting to fly above the clouds.

  20. Mary Lou, the black clouds can be interesting, but they most often mean bad weather, so I prefer the white ones.

  21. I am a cloud lover from way back myself. White fluffy ones are my favorite that look like a bunch of soft pillows that I always wanted to play on.Just wanted to tell you the cloud picture you put up over Mt.Hood far off in the distance is a bear on a glacier walking. Sorry saw it right away. Lol Be Blessed!


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