Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Peace, Peace, Peace

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”  ~~John 14:27

Deb Kastner here. I have many friends who, as the new year dawns, ask the Lord for a “Word for the Year,” something on which they can focus their lives. I barely held on to 2015 by its coattails, so I wasn’t even in a frame of mind to be able to ask the Lord for a special word.

He gave me one anyway. In church over the past couple of weeks, the word “peace” has stood out to me, almost as if it were being said louder than any other word in the service. In the choir we’re singing, “Still, Still, Still.” The second verse is, “Peace, Peace, Peace.”

And boy, could I use a little bit of that. Though I didn’t ask for a specific word, I did ask--repeatedly--“Just one week, Lord, without any drama? Without anyone getting sick or with car troubles or with major appliances breaking down?”

Peace. Yeah. The Lord knows exactly what I need.

But peace is a two-way street. It’s not just finding peace, it’s giving it away. St. Francis of Assisi is credited with this poem:

And because the Lord tends to speak to me best through music, here’s a beautiful John Angotti song based on St. Francis’s poem. “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace.”

Do you have a “Word for the Year?” Please share below!

Wishing peace to you and yours in this new year and always.

Deb's newest release, A Daddy for Her Triplets, will be available January 20th wherever Harlequin Love Inspired books are sold.


  1. Content, as in contentment. I need to lean back and enjoy what I have and not be concerned that there's something more I need to be doing.

  2. Psalm 138 spoke to my heart... The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me...
    I'll memorized the psalm and say it weekly.

  3. Mine was adventure last year n this year im thinking possibilities might be my word as im feeling antsy n its time to either move or make a few major life choices


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