Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Thriving Instead of Surviving

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, 
which yields its fruit in season and 
whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.
Psalm 1:3 NIV

Lisa Jordan here, and I have a confession to make—I haven't always been so great with starting my day by opening my Bible. When our alarm goes off at 6:15 a.m., Hubby heads out of bed and gets ready for work. Penny, our sweet little black Chihuahua, and I nestle under the covers and wait until it’s time for us to crawl out of our warm cocoon.

Usually, I spend those first 30 minutes brainstorming that day’s scene that need to brainstorm what I wanted to write that day, mentally review my to-do list, or just close my eyes and try to catch a few more minutes of sleep.

Since 2009, I've chosen one word for the year. This year's word is THRIVE. 2015 was a year of survival and recovery after our family experienced a heart-shredding 2013 and 2014. So, now I’m looking forward to thriving in 2016.

For me, that means thriving in my walk with the Lord, thriving in my marriage, thriving as a mother to our grown sons, thriving as an early childhood educator, and thriving in my writing career.

Thriving means to prosper, to flourish.

Well, how was I going to thrive in my walk with the Lord if I didn’t take the time to read His Word or talk to Him to see what He wanted me to learn?

My first step to thriving instead of surviving meant changing my perspective. Instead of closing my eyes, I open my Bible. Using my favorite devotionals, I’m able to ponder words of wisdom penned by others from the moment my feet hit the floor. I haven’t been struck with any epiphanies yet, but those daily devotionals and tracking my goal of reading through the Bible in a year have changed my attitude in many ways.

Instead of thinking how I can get through the day, I focus on how I can enjoy the day, even while on deadline. I find myself getting less frustrated when things don’t work out. I find myself offering more grace with others. My stress level is decreasing. And yes, I’m still totally a work-in-progress, and others may not even notice a change, but I can feel it in my heart where it truly matters.

Even though we’re only a couple of weeks into January and 2016, I’m able to embrace this season of thriving because I’m willing to commit the first 30 minutes of my day by opening my Bible.

Your Turn: Are you a daily Bible reader? How do you carve out quiet time with God? What are your favorite devotionals?


  1. A couple of years ago, I decided to read through the Bible a chapter at a time. I could never keep up with the read the Bible through the year programs because if I got behind for some reason, I felt like I could never catch up. One chapter a day is doable. I've almost finished that journey. Some days I may even read several chapter, but at least one chapter a day. I post a scripture to Facebook almost every day. After I do that, I read my chapter on the computer using That process has kept me consistent.

  2. Great word for 2016! You are so right that beginning the day with the Lord helps set us off on the right path. I can wander easily, though, so I've added midday Bible study to each day. I also scatter Christian nonfiction books around the house so I can pick up any of them whenever I have a spare moment.

  3. Lisa, I needed this today. I made a goal to spend time with the Bible each day this 2016, and so far I've managed once. Maybe I need to scatter like Christine.

  4. Merrilee, I felt the same way--if I got behind, it was so hard to catch up. I'm hoping my new reading program helps me to stay focused. I love using stolen moments to read on my phone when I need that burst of inspirational refreshment.

    Christine--I love your idea of scattering Christian nonfiction around your house. Others may be tempted to pick them up too...double blessings.

    Pamela--Even if you read a short devotional with one verse you can ponder throughout the day, that helps you to Godly focus during your day.

  5. Beautiful post and so inspiring. I love finding some quiet time with a verse that sets the tone for my day.


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