Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Frosty days...but a happy heart!

Hi everyone....Roxanne Rustand here, on a chilly, early Tuesday morning.  I should be outside feeding the horses right now, but given the -30 degree windchills today, I think I wait just a little while and chat with you instead!   Brrrrr!

I can hardly believe that the holidays are already over, and we are practically to the middle of January already.  Did you set some New Years resolutions this time around?

Mine mostly involved weight loss, get in shape, and also become more  productive in my office.  The first two aren't going so well  (BIG sigh) but I am trying to work hard in my office!  :)

It's such a good feeling to reach a goal, isn't it?  This past week I turned in the final edits for a Love Inspired book, The Single Dad's Redemption, which will be out this July. It's a wonderful experience, working with excellent editors, and so gratifying to reach The End.  Now, I'm working on a fourth book in this Aspen Creek Crossroads series, and it's fun getting to know new characters and starting a new project!  Have you made some progress on a goal for the New Year? I would love to hear about it!

BTW--This is a novella on Amazon--on sale at  99 cents!

Roxanne Rustand

PS:  Ooops!!! I wrote this blog post early today and went to town after feeding the mares.  Just realized I'd forgotten to hit the "Publish" button to post it. So this is appearing late!

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