Friday, January 29, 2016

Match the Authors with their Valentine Memories!

The Craftie Ladies of Romance are sharing Valentine memories today. Can you match the reflections below with the authors who wrote them?

Leave your answers in a comment, along with your email address. The names of all those who correctly identify the reflections will be entered in a drawing for a giveaway from each participating author. The contest will remain open through the weekend, and the winner will be announced on Monday, FEB 1, 2016.

Good luck, everyone! Remember to include your email so we can contact you if you win!

Participating Authors:
Mary Alford is giving away a signed copy of Rocky Mountain Pursuit.
Debby Giusti is giving away her February Love Inspired Suspense, Plain Danger.
Deb Kastner is giving away a copy of her February release, A Daddy for Her Triplets.
Mindy Obenhaus is giving away her August release, A Father’s Second Chance.
Jolene Navarro will give away one of her books.
Pamela Tracy is giving away Second Chance Christmas, a December 2015 Love Inspired story.
 Merrillee Whren is giving away Second Chance Reunion.

Valentine Reflection #1

Some of my favorite dates with my husband were riding horses on the Texas ranch he grew up on. (My last two covers have horses on them). Our Valentine day tradition is not so romantic, but I love it. We see a war movie. Yes, it is the one day a year I will go to the theater and willing watch a war movie. It started on our first Valentine's Day. Being newly in love I agreed to see Platoon. It was 1987. (I think) Since then I have seen some good movies I would have other wise never viewed...Good Morning, Vietnam, Glory, Zero Dark Thirty. This year it looks as if I will be seeing 13 hours. For the last three years we have seen our accountant on the 14th and finish our taxes before we go on our date. LOL Fun side note: Two years ago I had sent a comment about our Vday tradition and Tim Halperin on the Kidd Kraddick Morning Show sang a song about it.   

Valentine Reflection #2

When we were dating, my now-husband tried so hard to be romantic.  I think the fact that I was a published romance writer made him think the bar was a bit high.  Anyway, Valentine's Day fell during the week and I was an elementary school teacher (hint).  He was taking me to dinner that night.  So, we're at the restaurant and I'm thinking I wonder what he's doing to do that's special - besides buy me dinner <hehe>.

Finally, we're in the car and he's driving me home.  We get to my house and he says, "Don't you have something to tell me?"

Hmmm, what to say.

"I had a nice dinner.  Thanks."  <I really thought I'd already said this>

He's a plumber: more a tough Mel Gibson than a suave Brad Pitt.

He stammers, "Did you like the flowers I sent?"


He'd sent me flowers, to my school, which he'd specified needed to be delivered before three.

Nope, they were delivered at four something.  Only the school secretary got to see my flowers on the actual Valentine's Day.  But, everyone got to see them the following day.

And, really, it's the thought that counts.

Poor Don, though, he couldn't believe I didn't come flying out to the car - gushing about the flowers - when he picked me up for our date.

Valentine Reflection #3

My favorite celebration was when my husband and I along with three friends went four-wheeling outside of Lake City, Colorado in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.
Some of the four-wheel paths are quite treacherous. I had to wonder how those first setters managed to summit those mountains paths under some very difficult weather conditions.
Once we reached the Continental Divide at what felt like the top of the world, we could see for miles around.  God’s handiwork was everywhere. There was snow on the mountains and sheep grazing. It was idyllic. We could see relics of old mines strew around the mountains. I couldn’t imagine how difficult it was for the old miners who lived up there year round. I could never be that tough.

Valentine Reflection #4

My husband hates to wait in line anywhere, but especially at restaurants. And since he’s not necessarily inclined to making reservations either, early in our marriage I came up with a Valentine’s date night that was every bit as fancy as the nice restaurants, but didn’t require a babysitter. I love to cook, so I plan/prepare a special meal for him and me, one that includes china and crystal at the dining room table. When the kids were little, I’d order pizza for them and rent a movie they’d been dying to watch to keep them entertained in the next room while hubby and I enjoyed a restaurant-worthy meal and great conversation. It was a win-win for everyone.

Valentine Reflection #5

My favorite Valentine's date with my husband was for our 28th anniversary. We went on a week's cruise as VIP's of The Texas Tenors, my favorite singing group. Great food, great company and great music. And we get to do it again in 2017!

Valentine Reflection #6

My favorite Valentine memory is my wedding day. I was married on Valentine’s Day.

Valentine Reflection #7

Valentine’s Day always includes good food and roses! Hubby “surprises” me with a dozen red blooms, and I “gift” him with a yummy candlelight dinner…usually grilled sirloin, sautéed mushrooms, fresh artichokes and a tossed salad. Of course, we start the meal by giving thanks to the Lord for all his blessings and then reflect on our wonderful marriage that started when we said, “I Do,” at the Main Post Chapel, at Fort Knox, Kentucky.

The Craftie Ladies of Romance 
wish you a 
Very Happy Valentine's Day!

May all your dreams come true!


  1. Such sweet/cute memories! I can't believe Valentine's Day is almost here. I'm still thinking about Christmas! :-)

  2. I think I can guess two others besides mine. Linda, Christmas is still evident at my house. Not everything is put away.

  3. Time is passing much too quickly!

    Loved reading the Valentine memories. All so fun! One Craftie Lady was married on Valentine's Day! How special!!!

  4. Love reading how everyone spends their Valentine's Day.

  5. Oh my goodness! Valentine's day already? And y'all are making me work for this. Some of these I knew right away. Some I figured out by stalking their websites and 2 I had to guess at. Maybe I'm wrong, but here are my guesses:
    #1 Jolene Navarro
    #2 Pamela Tracy (*waving hello to a fellow AZ!)
    #3 Mary Alford
    #4 Mindy Obenhaus
    #5 Deb Kastner
    #6 Merrillee Whren (**my RWA roomie!**)
    #7 Debby Giusti

    Crossing my fingers that the 2 I guessed on are right. My email is

    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  6. When I couldn't find Merrillee When on Amazon,anywhere, I gave up. Later, I learned that you spelled her last name wrong, and that was the reason. But I haven't resumed my quest yet. Great kind of quiz, though.

  7. LeAnne, thanks for entering our Craftie Contest! The winner will be posted on Monday! So glad you included your email.

  8. Louise, thanks for pointing out the typo. I've fixed the spelling of Merrillee's last name. It is Whren! Hope you'll post your answers for a chance to win the books!

  9. 1. Jolene Navarro
    2.Pamela Tracy
    3.Mary Alford
    4.Mindy Obenhaus
    5.Deb Kastner
    6.Merrillee Whren
    7.Debby Giusti

  10. What fun to read these Valentine's memories. Thanks so much for putting this together, Debby.

    I know three for sure. Looking forward to seeing the final responses. LeAnne, I'm impressed with the effort you put into this!

  11. Mary Lawson, we need your email address, please!

    Thanks for entering the contest! :)

  12. Hi Cate!

    Fun stories to read, aren't they!

  13. What fun stories. Thanks Debby for organizing this.

  14. I agree with everyone else who guessed.
    #1 Jolene Navarro (second easiest)
    #2 Pamela Tracy
    #3 Mary Alford
    #4 Mindy Obenhaus
    #5 Deb Kastner (easiest one)
    #6 Merrillee Whren
    #7 Debby Guisti

    It was great to have to do a little research on some of these and get to know the authors better. Hope we got them right. My email address is

  15. Thanks, Dawn, for joining in the fun!

  16. What a fun post. Thanks for sharing! Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays. Besides all of the love, I was almost born on Valentine's Day.

    1. My brother is so he is always getting a present. Mum asked Dad where her present was bout 30ish years ago on Valentines day n Dad replied you've got it (a baby) lets just say dad did well with gifts in future valentines days :)

  17. Waving to Jackie! How fun to have a birthday close to Valentine's Day!

    Scaproni! Thanks for sharing your cute V'day story!!!


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