Friday, January 1, 2016

Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of ......... (posted by Lenora Worth)

Happy New Year! Happy 2016!

I've always liked a quiet New Year and this year is no exception. I thought about what kind of pithy words I could write here and something came to me when I was walking back and forth along what I call the Long, Spooky Hallway of our little townhome here on the bay. This hallway begins at the landing on the second floor and twists and turns until we reach the guest bedroom at the front of the building. I was walking back and forth, getting in some steps inside, because it's been rainy and dreary here for days now.

While I was walking, I got in some morning prayers. And two things came to mind. One, my prayer first thing when I wake up (for the past year) has been "Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of my children. Please love and protect them." The second thing that popped into my mind while walking was "Just one step." Because when I walk back and forth from our bedroom to the other end of the house, I pass a lot of things--memories mostly. Pictures, crosses on the wall, my tiny library in the twist of the hallway, my office full of books and pictures and trinkets I've collected over the years, beach-inspired sayings and photos and finally, an armoire in the guest bedroom where my husband has all of my books lined up and on display. I pass through my life over and over when I'm trying to get in just one more step. While I'm passing, I try to make it fun. As if I'm out on an open road and I'm experiencing these things for the very first time. It turns a mundane effort to exercise into a fun adventure. So I pray and pass, over and over. And I remember and plot and imagine, over and over.
Here's where you come in on this journey. How would you fill in the blank on this:
Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of ______. What if each day, we added another gift until by this time next year we'll have 365 gifts to be thankful for!
What would you do with... Just one step......? Which way would you go? What would you do that takes just one more step in the right direction?
There is a quote that is paraphrased from a passage in Thoreau's "Walden" that pretty much says "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. As you simply your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler."
Can we simplify making a fresh start in the new year by praying thankfully for the gifts we have in life? And can we take just one step toward those dreams we imagine? I believe we can! Share with me your answers to those two things. I'd love to hear what you think about on your daily "walk."
Happy New Year from all of the Craftie Ladies of Love Inspired. I am thankful for the gift of readers and friends such as you. You make our words all the more meaningful! Here's to a great 2016!!!
(And here's some of the friends I see along my walk down the hallway!)


  1. Happy new year!! Lenora, thanks for this reminder to be thankful.

    I'm thankful for the gift of time with family. We just got back from a trip to Kentucky to spend a late Christmas with my parents, sister and BIL. Had a wonderful time.

    I'd like to take one step toward simplifying. Loved that it fits with your post!

  2. Sounds great, Missy. Thoreau said that, too. Simplify. I'm typing this on my phone and auto creeper toyed DUMP UGLY. Hmm. Even my electronic device is telling me to simplify😎

  3. Auto creeper toyed???? Auto correct told me .... Oh that made me laugh !!

  4. I have a trip to Europe that has been a long term dream but life n work issues just seem to have me thinking it may not happen. So its just one day, week, month at a time at the moment.

    1. Maybe one day you can make that trip!! Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Hi Lenora. Loved your post. I'm thankful right now for the gift of Christ and His life. I want to go toward Him. I made a box with His picture on it. My idea for the box is to do something each day, one thing, at least one, that would make Him happy. At the end of 2016, I wanted to have 365 things in the box for Him. I'm excited to work on that. Happy belated New Year Lenora.


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