Wednesday, January 27, 2016

wRomance -A weekend of writing and romance

Terri Reed here, excited to share with you all a fabulous weekend event my local Romance Writers of America chapter is hosting.  If you're a writer and want an excuse to come to Portland for the weekend, we'd love to have you. If you're a reader and want to come to the cocktail reception to say hello, we'd be so happy to see you!

Here's all the details and the link to register.

SAVE THE DATES – FEBRUARY 20th & 21st, 2016

February 20th – Full-day Workshop beginning 9:00am

Join Rose City Romance Writers for a day-long workshop at the University Place Hotel,Portland Oregon, beginning at 9am, followed by a cocktail reception with our instructors, Damon Suede and Geoff Symon.
    • $60 for RCRW members (full day)
    • $75 for non-RCRW members (full day)
    • $20 for Cocktail Reception (5-8pm)
    • Lunch, snacks and cocktail hour ticket are included in the Full-day Writing Workshop registration

Forensics for Fiction: make your crime pay with Geoff Symon

When writing crime scenes, what is the balance between accuracy and overkill?  Geoff Symon shares his experience as a 20-year Forensic Investigator with authors of every popular genre.  We’ll visit the most common forensic flubs and fallacies while discussing true primary forensic methods and fundamental terminology to bring authenticity to the scene of your crime.


Half-day Brand Plan with Damon Suede

Branding is the cornerstone of all promo and marketing plans and is necessary to building a career and setting long range goals. During this workshop, author Damon Suede will assist attendees in identifying, honing, and crafting their personal author brand. Participants will also leave with a platform for effectively wielding their unique brand.
Cocktail Block

February 21st

 Love Between the Covers Showing, award winning documentary on the romance genre

Venetian Theater & Bistro, 253 E. Main Street, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 

$7 per person online

$10 at the door

LBTC Poster ImageLove stories are universal. Love stories are powerful. And so are the women who write them. For three years, we follow the lives of five published romance authors and one unpublished newbie as they build their businesses, find and lose loved ones, cope with a tsunami of change in publishing, and earn a living doing what they love—while empowering others to do the same. Romance is the behemoth of the publishing industry; it outsells mystery, sci-fi, and fantasy combined. Yet no filmmaker has ever taken an honest look at the amazing global community that romance writers and readers have built. Until now.
Doors open at 3pm, film event starts at 4pm
The first 100 attendees to arrive at the theatre will receive a special event goodie bag.



  1. This sounds fantastic, Terri. I'm like Missy. I wish I were closer. I'd love to attend. I hope you'll share some of the details with us.

  2. Hi ladies, I wish you were closer too! Where are you? Lol
    Yes, I'll take notes and pass them along. For the film, you might check to see if it will be reviewed in your area or see if your local RWA chapter would look into hosting a showing. Its fascinating.


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