Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Twelve Days of Christmas--
Part One--Lenora Worth

Dear Daniel,

I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Just twelve days before the big day. And we should have our own new arrival any day now. I can't wait for little Seth to be born so I can tell him all about his wonderful daddy. This is already a special time where we celebrate the birth of Christ. But to you and me, darling, this is also the time when we fell in love. Remember the first day we met in the park. I was watching the ice skaters swirling around on the lake and I turned to leave. There you stood grinning at me, your smile as bright as the twinkling lights on all the trees around the park. You actually started singing about the twelve days of Christmas. (A bit off-key, of course.) You were so adorable with your dark blue eyes and spiky brown hair. And your red ears. It was so cold that day. Everyone in the park started giggling at the way you sang about a partridge in a pear tree. Then you asked me if I wanted to see a real partridge in a pear tree. I giggled, too, but before I could shake my head and say "No, thanks", you grabbed me by the hand and practically dragged me onto the walking trail around the park. And you found a tree--not a real pear tree, but a big lovely untouched Christmas tree. And there in that tree was a fake bird!!! It took me years to get the truth out of you. I was so touched that you'd been watching me come to the park every day... and that you'd seen my tears. You told me you had decided to make me fall in love with you by Christmas and the idea of the twelve days of Christmas theme popped into your head. It also took me years to tell you that I came to the park every day because I had a broken heart. Christmas was never a joyous time for me until you came along, my love. I want you to know that our "partridge" is sitting on the Christmas tree and I'm wearing the beautiful "pear" diamond necklace you gave me for our second Christmas together and our anniversary--Christmas Eve. Daniel, please stay safe over there. I am so proud of you for fighting for our country. The whole village is proud of you. I wanted you to know that the mayor declared our Christmas theme for this season as "The Twelve Days of Christmas" in your honor. Each day, we will celebrate all the gifts you managed to give me five years ago when you "forced" me to fall in love with you. Your twelve days were a bit eclectic and interesting, but I still smile when I think about your efforts. I am so blessed to have you as my husband. And our son will be blessed to have you as his father. I wish you could be here for his arrival but I know you are working toward the greater good for our country. I love you, Daniel. Stay safe and ... even if you can't be home for Christmas, come home soon, please.

Your loving wife, Joy


  1. Wow, and yes, I wanna know, who broke her heart.

  2. Or, I guess it could be 'what' broke her heart.

  3. Thanks for a great kickoff to the story, Lenora!

  4. Okay, what's a partridge? I've never seen one.

  5. Thanks, ladies. I think I mentioned that I named my soldier Daniel Adams and his son will be Seth because I have a friend who has three sons in the military. So this story is dedicated to Seth, Daniel and Adam Michaelis. Stay safe, boys, wherever you are.

  6. Loved the start and am looking forward to the next chapter!

    And AMEN to prayers for our military!

    Peace, Julie

  7. Lovely, Lenora! And I'll pray for the three real soldiers!

  8. Great start. Can hardly wait for the rest of the story. I love these serial pieces with different authors.

    Praying for the real soldiers.


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