Monday, December 27, 2010

After Christmas Glow with Janet Tronstad

Hi, it's Janet Tronstad here. All the presents are opened and the Christmas ham has been eaten. I don't know about you, but I like the lazy days after Christmas just as much as the actual day. I enjoy seeing my nieces and nephews enjoy their presents and the adults are all off work so we're just sitting around enjoying family time. How about you? How are you feelling now that the big day is over? Did you get a favorite gift (my sister got me a Kindle -- yipee!)? Get to see some of your favorite people?


  1. I'm so happy you had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was very nice as well. Yesterday was my lazy day. Today it's back to work for me. There is a blizzard happening outside my window. Very pretty...and cold. But since I work from home I don't have to worry about driving. Let's hope the Internet holds!

  2. I so mostly my husband's family (here in AZ) and missed my family (great state of NE). And, Janet, you'll love the Kindle.

  3. I am back to work today too, Lisa. Book due next Monday. A week of revisions but happy to have the rough draft done!
    Janet, I have Kindle-envy. I can't decide which ereader to get!

  4. We're actually still doing Christmas. My son's girlfriend is coming today, and tomorrow we'll be spending time with my husband's family. So I'm still celebrating! :)

  5. Thanks for the comments, Lisa, Pamela, and Missy --

    Pamela and Lyn -- I am excited to play with the Kindle. I hadn't decided what way to go either, Lyn, but the Kindle sounds good.

    Lisa -- glad you had a good Christmas

    Missy -- glad your Christmas is still going on

  6. I cannot stand the days after Christmas :( Bring on spring!

  7. I LOVED having all my kiddos at home (including my new son-in-law!). They'll all be here again for our traditional New Year's Day dinner, so I'm looking forward to that! And I'm still enjoying our live Frasier Fir Christmas tree--it has the most wonderful fragrance *smile*. ~ Congratulations on your Kindle, Janet! ~ Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)

  8. Courtney -- I love spring, too!

    Cat Mom -- Glad your family gathered for the holidays.

  9. Quiet day here. I'm on the couch. Kids and hubby in the other room. I had a migraine for Christmas. Today had steroid injections in my neck in hopes that will stop the migraines. It's rainy here. Wishing it would snow.


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